SaleSmartz Manual |
Introduction |
QuickReference |
Basics |
Concepts |
Contact |
ContactListWindow |
Quote |
Invoice-Order |
PriceList |
Product |
Catalogue |
Bundle |
PrintTemplate |
TimeManagerCalendar |
CustomVariables |
ImportingData |
ExportingData |
Finding |
Report |
MailMerging |
LabelTemplate |
SZTemplate |
MultiUsers |
Synchronization |
Leaving the office/ Back in the office/ Update remotely with office |
Preferences |
Introduction |
About SaleSmartz Pro |
SaleSmartz Pro-The Complete Sales Solution. SaleSmartz has proven that information can be moved and viewed graphically
and yet still maintain the functionality and power of an advanced database. Quotes can be easily and quickly created for a Customer, allowing you to respond instantly to their requests. You can choose to show a Customer your Products in their own environment, using a portable computer, or your own environment, perhaps in a network. Quotes can be presented in printed form to a Customer directly, saving time spent on typing and travel. A Customer can see what they want to purchase without waiting for days. A delay gives them the chance to look elsewhere. You are automatically reminded by a To Do Memo to call a Customer about Quotes you create. Important meetings and phone calls can also be scheduled in the Time Manager, to be brought to your attention later with alerts. Phone calls and other messages can be jotted down on simple memos, to be examined and enhanced later when you have more time. Price Lists and Catalogues are managed and updated to show Customers your complete
range of Products quickly and graphically. |
This manual |
SaleSmartz has been designed with many features but most importantly, to be easy to use. When you first start using SaleSmartz you probably will not want to use all of its features. The application is designed so that new features can be used when you need them, you don't have to read the whole manual before you start. Chapters and sections describing advanced features are labelled "Advanced". These areas may be read later when you feel more confident with the application. If you wish to quickly get an overview of the use of SaleSmartz, read the chapter "Quick Reference". It describes some of the commonly used steps
in this application.. SaleSmartz is available for both Macintosh and Windows. There are only very small differences in the functionality of SaleSmartz between these two platforms, these differences are described in the related sections of this manual. Some of the picture examples in this manual may not appear exactly as on your computer but the layout and content of each window is the same for both Macintosh and Windows. |
QuickReference |
General |
About |
This chapter describes various quick steps to help you perform common tasks.
It can be used as a quick and easy way to learn how the application works or
as a reminder of commonly used actions. |
Make a Price List |
About |
A Price List is used to store your Product information and pricing. Several Price Lists (perhaps for each supplier) can be used by SaleSmartz at the same time. |
Process |
Make a Catalogue |
About |
Catalogues are used if you wish to group and show your products graphically. Only copies of products appear in a Catalogue. Price Lists are needed to store the original Products. |
Process |
Make a Print Template |
About |
Print Templates are used to define the printed appearance of Quotes/Invoices and Catalogues. |
Process |
(See chapter "Print Template") |
Make a Contact (Customer) |
About |
Contacts are files which store information about a Company and/or People. Contact information and history can be recorded in each file. |
Process |
(See chapter"Contact") |
Make a Quote |
About |
Use a Quote to provide a Customer with details of pricing for selected products. |
Process |
Make a To Do Memo |
About |
A To Do Memo is a quick note which can be used simply as a reminder or for more advanced scheduling. |
Process |
Basics |
General |
About |
This chapter describes some of the basic principles used in SaleSmartz. Reading this chapter will prepare you with many of the common tools for using the functionality in each part of the application. |
Documents |
Most new documents are created by selecting "New.." in the "File" menu. A dialogue will appear allowing you to choose the type of document you require. |
Window menu |
This menu contains a list of all document windows. If any document windows
are open, the current (front) window is marked with a "¯". The
abbreviated window type is also shown in brackets, after the windows name. |
Edit menu |
Addition or removal of objects (e.g. Quotes or Contacts ) contained in windows is performed with this menu. There are three main actions. 1) New object. Adds an object of the type currently being worked on. 2) Edit/Open/Select object. Allow the current object(s) to be changed. The "Return" or "Enter" keys also perform this action once an object is selected. 3) Clear object. Deletes the currently selected object. The "Delete" key also performs this action. |
Other menus |
Most document windows will have their own menu. These will only appear when that document window is selected and contain items relating to its window. |
Access level |
There are two access levels for the application, customer view and full access. The access level is changed by selecting "Full access" in the "Edit" menu. A tick, "¯", beside this menu item indicates that you are currently using the full access level.
Table of user level access |
A password can be used to restrict access to the "Full access" level if you wish (See section "General", chapter"Preferences"). |
Limits |
The limit to the number of Contacts and Products used in SaleSmartz is not
fixed. A Price List can conceivably contain tens of thousands of Products. Factors
such as available memory and network speed will determine what are reasonable
limits. |
Date/Time |
Date and time formats used by this application are taken from your computers
system software (See your computers operating manual for more information). |
Currency and numbers |
The currency symbol and number format used by this application is taken from
your computers system software (See your computers operating manual
for more information). In most computers changing the numbering system is done
in the "Control Panel". |
Margin |
Many areas of SaleSmartz use a Margin in its calculations. Margin is used as
a percentage to indicate the profit made when selling Products and making Quotes. |
All choices button |
In some windows you may see this icon |
Display columns |
In some windows (e.g. Contact List, Print Template and Price List) columns
and headers are used to display information. |
Clicking on the heading text will sort the list in ascending order by that
column. Clicking again will sort in descending order, and again will stop sorting.
The current sort key column is shown underlined. In the figure above, the "Product
code" is the sort column. |
Resizing columns |
Resizing the columns is performed by clicking in the grey bar at the right edge of each column popup menu. A grey line appears, showing the new column size. If the size of the column is very small, the pop up menu will be hidden, and/or the column heading text will be truncated to fit. Resizing a column width to nothing will remove that column from display. Additional columns can be added (up to a maximum of ten columns) by clicking on the button to the right of the last column. |
List buttons |
Additional buttons will appear in the top right of a list. These will delete, add, or view info for an object that is selected. |
Keyboard shortcuts |
To speed up actions, parts of SaleSmartz have keyboard shortcuts. The "delete" key is a short cut for "Clear" in the "Edit"
menu. First select an object and then press "delete" to remove it. The "return" and "enter" keys are shortcuts for the Edit/Open/Choose
object menu item in the "edit" menu. Select an object in a window
and press "return" or "enter" to perform the editing action,
e.g. opening a window or showing more information. This has the same effect
as double clicking on an object. Rows in various lists (Price List, Contact List and To Do List) can be quickly
shown by typing the letter of the first character of the content of the sort
column. For example, in the Price List, pressing "C" will scroll and
select the first Product whose name begins with "C" (assuming the
list has been sorted by product name). Pressing the "Tab" key will
jump to the next item beginning with that character. In this example, it would
select the next Product whose name begins with "C". Dialogues also have keyboard shortcuts. Buttons and check boxes in a dialogue
have shortcuts based on the name of each item. Holding the (Mac)/Ctrl(PC) key
and a character activates these shortcuts. The character to be typed is determined
by the name of the button, e.g. typing (Mac)/Ctrl(PC)-C will activate a button
called "Cancel". |
Catalogue/Quote |
About |
Both the Catalogue and Quote documents use a similar book-like format. They consist of a Contents and one or more Sections (Pages). |
Pages |
Sections contain a list of items (Products or Bundles) in a graphical form.
Each section has a name, which is edited in the field next to the Page Switcher.
Adding or removing sections is performed by menu items. |
Contents |
The contents page shows a list of all sections. |
Contents page |
The triangle pointing to the right, on the left of each section name can be
used to show a list of the sections items. Click on the triangle, it will
change to a downward pointing arrow and show the sections items. To hide
the list of items, click on the triangle again, to close it. |
Page switcher |
Switching between sections is performed by the page switcher. |
Page Switcher |
Click on the page symbols at the top of the page switcher to move to the next
or previous section . The label below this displays the current section number
and total number of sections. |
Installing items |
New items are placed into Catalogues/Quotes from Price Lists and Catalogues in one of the following ways: 1) Copy/Paste items, using the "Edit" menu. 2) Selecting and dragging items from other documents. 3) Selecting "Find..." in the "Edit" menu, do a find, then "Add" items. 4) Products can also be added to Quotes by clicking on the "Add" popup menu below the page switcher. This will show a popup menu with the contents of the default Catalogue/Price List file (set in the preferences). |
Locating source files |
Entries in Quotes and Catalogues have links to source files such as Price Lists and Catalogues. These source files may be moved or deleted on the disk. You may also just want to change all document references to another. When this happens follow this procedure: 1) Select the "Locate source documents" menu item in the "Quote"
or "Catalogue" menus to open the dialogue. 2) The list of all source documents used in the Catalogue/Quote will appear on the left hand side of the field. To locate or change the file, double click on the line or select and click "Choose file". 3) The file selection dialogue will open to allow you to choose a replacement file. 4) Once chosen, the new file name will appear on the right hand side of the field. 5) Click "OK" to close the dialogue and put the changes into effect. |
Dialling |
About |
SaleSmartz has several shortcuts to automatically dial phone numbers for you. This feature is available in Contact file windows, the Contact list window and To Do Memos. Clicking on the button in these windows will open the "Telephone" dialogue. |
Telephone dialogue |
Dial The dial button in the telephone dialogue dials the number displayed. Timer The timer field will start automatically when you dial a number. You can also click on the green start button to manually start the timer. This time can then be recorded in contact memos by clicking the "Contact memo" button. Prefix The prefix field is set in the "Settings" dialogue and can be used for example for overseas or outside line prefix numbers. Telephone number This field contains the number that will be dialled when you click the "Dial"
button. The popup menu to the right of this field allows you to choose other
numbers if they are available e.g. this popup menu can contain the list of phone
numbers for a contact, gathered from a Contact file or To Do Memo. Conversation notes When you are talking to a person, you can write notes in this field. These notes can then be converted into a Contact Memo or a To Do Memo by clicking on the buttons below this field. Contact Memo If the "Telephone" dialogue was opened from a contact window, or a To Do Memo with a Contact hotlink on it, then the "Contact Memo" button is visible. Clicking on this button will take the text content of the conversation notes field and make a new Contact Memo in the associated Contact. To Do Memo Clicking on this button will create a new To Do Memo with the text content of the conversation notes field. Try Later This button creates a new To Do Memo with a "Dial" hotlink. Opening the "Dial" hotlink will open this "Telephone" dialogue again, allowing you to try ringing the number again. Settings... The method of dialling can be set by clicking on the settings button, which opens the "Phone" section of the preferences (See section "Phone/Fax", chapter "Preferences"). |
Multi-user files |
About |
Most of the files used in SaleSmartz can be used in a network as a multi-user system. No additional software is required to do this, just a multi user version of SaleSmatz. To use the multi-user facilities, place the required file on a networked shared disk which is available to all those who wish to use it (See chapter "Multi Users"). |
Concepts |
Quote |
About |
One of the main functions of this application is to supply Quotes to Customers. This process is summarised here: |
Quote flow chart |
The window on the left represents a Contact/Customer containing Quotes and Invoices.
Arrows represent the flow of information, i.e.Products can be moved from Price
Lists and Catalogues into Quotes. |
Price List |
About |
Price Lists contain the Products shown in Catalogues and Quotes. You are able
to use multiple Price Lists in SaleSmartz at the same time. |
Catalogue |
About |
A Catalogue is a collection of Products from one or more Price Lists. These Products
may be grouped together and placed on different pages of the Catalogue. Catalogues
are used to graphically group and show Products for quick access and most importantly,
show to Customers. |
Print Template |
About |
Once a Quote or Invoice is ready, it can then be printed using a Print Template. |
Contact (Customer) |
About |
Contact files contain information relating to a specific Person or Organisation
such as Address and Call history. Links to Document files such as faxes and
letters can also be stored with a Contact. |
Quote |
About |
Quotes are created for Customers. They use a similar principle to Catalogues,
with pages and contents, but prices are not changed automatically in a Quote. |
Invoice/Order |
About |
Invoices and orders are treated as the same object in SaleSmartz. |
To Do Memo |
About |
To Do Memos are text windows which can be used when you wish to have reminder
notes, make appointments or link information together. |
Contact |
General |
About |
Contacts are people or organisations and may be customers or suppliers. Each Contact can be stored as a separate file or in a Contact Group. The "Contact List" collects Contact files and displays them as a single list (See chapter "Contact List Window"). Separate files have several advantages. One of which is to be able to take some Contact files on a portable computer out in the field, edit them and replace them back in the office once finished. Sales staff can also swap customers amongst themselves by simply swapping files. In order for these files to appear unique on the disk, they are renamed automatically
when the Contact company name is changed and saved. If you have many contacts (more than 500) then Contact groups are recommended
for Contact storage. Contacts can also be classified in your own way by using the variables mode. |
Menu |
When the Contact file window is selected its menu will appear. |
Contact file menu |
Show Person/Address This allows you to display one of the people (addresses) within the contact file. Set as default This will set the currently viewed person, as the default for the contact file. Set as delivery This will set the currently viewed address as the delivery address for quotes and invoices. Don't link eMails This setting will prevent eMails from being linked to this contact automatically. Copy person and address When you select the icon of the person in the contact window (above the first name field), this item will allow tou to copy the whol person and address, and then paste it again, or in another contact. New Person/Address This creates a new empty person and address. Clone Person/Address This creates a copy of the currently viewed person and address Delete Person/Address This deletes the currently viewed Person and Address Copy all details This menu item copies the name, address and phone numbers of a Contact person in the address mode, to the clipboard. Copy merge field names The mail merge field names can be copied to the clipboard by selecting this menu item. These fields can then be used to create mail merge templates by pasting them into a document in a word processor application (See chapter "Mail Merging"). Move contact to... This action will move a contact to another contact group. Delete whole contact This will delete this contact from the file. Post code after town/state The position of the post code in an address can vary for different countries.
If you have Contacts in countries where the post code position is different,
then you can change the position for this Contact by selecting this menu item.
Select it once to change, and again to change back. The position of the town
(state) and post code fields in the address mode will change accordingly. Has "State" If a contact has addresses that include a State, this menu item should be checked. This adds a state field to the address fields. If you have purchased SaleSmartz in a country that has states then this option will automatically be marked on for all new contacts. File label The file label (colour) can be changed by selecting a colour from the "File label" menu. On a Macintosh, each contacts disk file can be given a label colour. This colour is shown for each contact in the contact list and in the contact files icon on disk. |
Creating |
Select "New" from the "File" menu and then choose the Contact document type. Alternatively select "New Contact" in the "Edit" menu, from the "Contact List" window. |
Deleting |
Deleting a Contact involves deleting its file on disk or from its Contact Group. A Contact can also be deleted from the Contact List, by selecting a Contact and then selecting "Clear Contact" in the "Edit" menu. |
Opening |
Contact file windows can be opened by double clicking on a Contact file or
alternately from the Contact List by selecting a Contact, and selecting "Open
contact" in the "Edit" menu. The Contact window consists of four
different data display modes. Each of these is represented by an icon on the
left of the window. Clicking on the icon will show the appropriate mode. |
View options |
The contact window can be viewed in several ways depending on the size of your
computer screen. To change the view settings, open the "Preferences"
from the "Windows" menu and select the "Contact" preferences
(see section "Contact", chapter "Preferences"). |
Contact window, using the show profile/history in address mode preferences |
Address |
About |
General information about a Contact is shown and edited in the address mode.
More than one person or address type (e.g. postal, street or visiting address)
can be added to a single Contact file. |
Contact address mode |
Save and close Save changes and close the window. X - close Close the window without saving. Contact file - menu Menu containg the Contact address mode actions. Company Name This is the name of a Contact's company or organisation. It is used as the Contact's file name, so must be included. Cust no May be used as a unique reference for the Contact, e.g. customer code or account number. This number is used as a reference when importing contacts to check if a imported contact already exists. Contact Icon This icon can be used to drag a reference to this Contact. Contacts may be dragged on to To Do Memos to create Hot Links to the Contact (See section "Hot Links", chapter "Time Manager (Calendar)"). They can also be dragged into Product Info windows to link suppliers to a Product. Person/Address selector Underneath the Company name field, there is a list of the addresses included in the contact window. You can choose to show each of these people/addresses by clicking on each of the names. Title The title of the person, e.g. Mr., Mrs. or Miss. Person first name/Person last name The name of your Contact people at the company or a type of address. Job Position The job title or position of the selected contact person. Phone numbers/Fax numbers Contact phone and facsimile number(s). These fields will accept both number
and characters. These may consist of 1 or more numbers each. Address The address field format is flexible, if you wish to ignore fields in the address then just leave them empty. Street/P.O. Box The first line of the address for the selected Contact person. Area The second line of the contact address, if used. Post Code The postal or zip code for the address. The placement of the postal code is
determined in the preferences. You can choose to have it before or after the
Town field. Town The town, city or district for the address can be entered in this field. State If the contacts address contains State then this field can be used. Select the menu item "Has State" in the "Contact file" menu to show/hide this field. If you purchased SaleSmartz in a country that has states, the State field will be automatically shown for all new contacts. Country This field can be used if you have multi national contacts. Salesperson Responsible The name of the salesperson that is responsible for this Contact may be entered here if there are a team of salespeople. This will appear on the printed Quote or Invoice if required and also on reminder To Do memos about Quotes or Invoices. The EMail address(es) for this person or company can be included in this field. You can add more addresses by clicking on the "Add more addresses" link. Clicking on the button to the left of this field will create a new eMail message to this address. For the 2 buttons on the right, the first will add this email address to the list of shortcut addresses in the eMail window, beside each address. The 2nd button is the "Own domain name" button which will specify that the domain name in this eMail belongs to this contact so all eMails from this domain will be linked to the contact. Website The website for this person or company can be included in this field. Clicking on the button to the left of this field will open the website in your broswer. The button to the right of this field is the "Own domain name" button which will specify that the domain name in this website belongs to this contact so all eMails from this domain will be linked to the contact. Notes Your comments and reminders for the selected Contact person. This field is hidden when not using "Full access" level. |
History |
About |
The Contact history mode displays a list of correspondence and events for each Contact. Each entry in the history mode is sorted in descending order of importance and time. |
Contact history mode |
When no history entries are selected, the history mode appears as a large list of entries. The entries consist of Quotes, Invoices, Memos, EMails and Documents. Filtering is provided by the filter button |
Contact history filter dialog |
Clicking one or more of these buttons on will include that type in the history
list. Clicking on the "All" button |
Quote |
If you sell goods to a Contact, you can show them your Products and prices
using the Quote function. Quotes for customers are created and edited in the
history mode. Later they can be converted into Invoices. To Do Memos are automatically
created as reminders in the To Do List for each Quote which has been created.
These To Do Memos will appear on the due date of the Quote to remind you to
ring a Contact regarding this Quote. |
Invoice |
An invoicing facility is provided for each Contact. Invoices can only be created
by converting Quotes using the "Convert to Order/Invoice" menu item.
Reminders are included in the To Do List for Invoices that have not been paid
or sent to a Contact. a) Whether or not it has been sent to a Contact. |
Memo/Sheet |
Reminders and a history of communication with the Contact can be kept in the
Memos section. These can also be used as a call history. Memos that have not
been marked as "Done" have reminder To Do Memos automatically recorded
in the To Do List. |
EMails can be stored in the contact history. These can be optionally linked
to contacts when you send or receive an eMail with this contacts eMail address
in it. This optional linking is set in the Preferences (See section "EMail", chapter "Preferences"). |
Doc |
Files can be linked to contacts, these can include letters, faxes, maps, brochures or any other file found on a disk. |
Creating entries |
New Quotes, Memos and Document links are created by choosing from the "New
object" menu item in the edit menu. |
New Quote/Memo/Document link object dialogue |
Once created, a new history entry will appear as an untitled item and select
the correct editing panel for that item. |
Deleting entries |
History entries are deleted by selecting the entry in the history list and then selecting the "Clear object" menu item or pressing the "Delete" key. |
Editing entries |
Click on a history entry to edit it. When selected, a panel will appear to edit that entry. A different panel will appear for each type of entry. |
Quote panel |
Quotes are editing using this panel in the Contact history mode. When a Quote
is selected in the history mode, this panel will appear to show the Quote's
information. |
Quote editing panel |
Invoice panel |
Once an Invoice is selected, this panel will be shown with its details. |
Invoice editing panel |
EMail panel |
The EMail editing panel shows selected eMails. For more information on this editor, see Chapter "EMail". |
EMail editing panel |
Memo panel |
Reminders and a history of communication with the Contact can be kept in the Memos section. Memos are different from To Do Memos, but a To Do Memo reminder will be created automatically for a Contact Memo if it has not been marked as "Done". |
Memo editing panel |
Done If the Memo has been completed the "Done" button can be set. This changes the status of the Memo from a reminder to a record of communication. Call Sheet Clicking this option on will change the memo into a "Call sheet". A call sheet allows you to define an objective and a result for a sales call. Memo icon The Memo icon acts as a dragging object for a memo. Drag this icon to move a reference to this Memo to another window. Completed These date and time fields indicate the date of the memo, either the due date for memos not yet done, or the date when contact was made. Created date This indicates when the memo was created. This field is optional and set by preferences (See section "Contact", Chapter "Preferences"). Optional indicators: These options areavailable when the preference is set (See section "Contact", Chapter "Preferences").
Concerning This popup menu allows you to relate a memo to a person in the contact file. Dial button This button allows you to quickly dial the number of the selected person. Salesperson responsible This field allows you to allocate or record the memo for another person in your company. Memo content This field shows the text content of the Memo. |
Docs panel |
Documents of various types can be linked to the Contact such as faxes, maps and letters. Merged letters can also be automatically linked to contacts. |
Contact Docs panel |
Variables |
About |
The variables mode of a Contact contains the classifications you use to describe
your Contacts in more detail. These classifications or properties are created in the default Shared resources
Document (See chapter "Custom Variables"). |
Contact variables mode |
Creating variables (classifications) |
As mentioned before, profile properties are created in the Custom variables
window. These properties can be linked to a Contact to create classifications
in several ways. |
Deleting variables |
Property links are deleted from the Contact profile mode by selecting the property name and selecting "Clear property" in the "Edit" menu or pressing the "Delete" key. |
Relationships |
About |
The relationships panel displays relationships between different contacts and companies. |
Contact relationships mode |
Child contacts This list displays all contact files that have a child relationship with this contact/company. You can drag contacts from the contact list or other areas to this list. Click on the relationship column of the contact to rename the relationship. Parent contacts This list displays all contact files that have this contact as a child relationship. |
Multi-user |
About |
Contact files can be used in multi-user system by placing its file on a shared disk accessible to those who wish to use it (See chapter "Multi Users"). |
ContactListWindow |
General |
About |
The Contact List collects all of the Contact files together and displays them. The list is shown by selecting the "Show Contacts" menu item, or opening the "Contact List" file on disk. (Advanced)
Window |
Contact List window and column menu |
If you choose to use Contact properties in the Contact Profile mode, these
values can also be shown in the Contact List columns. Filter The filter button Dial The small button to the left of the "Lock sorting" button in the top right of the contact window can allow you to quickly dial the phone number of one of the selected contacts in the contact list. |
Menu |
The Contact List menu will be shown when the Contact List window is selected. |
Contact List menu |
Rebuild Contact List As mentioned before, a scan of the application's folder is made for Contact files. If you have added or moved files while the application was running then you may need to use this menu item. It re-scans the disks for Contact files. This can also be used if you think there are some contacts not showing. Copy merge field names The mail merge field names can be copied by selecting this menu item. These fields can be used to create mail merge templates (See chapter "Mail Merging") Move contact to... You can move selected contact files to Contact groups or folders on your disk by selecting this menu item. Change Salesperson responsible This will change all of the selected contacts and their history items to show a new "Salesperson responsible". This can be used to allocate contacts a different salesperson, e.g. if a salesperson leaves your company. File label Each contacts disk file can be given a label colour. This colour is shown for each contact in the contact list and for a Macintosh, in the contact files icon on disk. This file colour can be changed by selecting a colour from the "File label" menu or on a Macintosh, by using the "Label" menu in the "Finder". |
"Contact Summary" File |
A file is created as a buffer for the Contact List, you don't have to do anything with this file. It is created automatically when you open the List and is called "Contact Summary". This file speeds up the loading of Contacts. You can remove this file if you wish, the information contained in it can be recreated automatically by the application after scanning the its folder and reloading Contacts. |
Opening |
The Contact List is opened by selecting "Show Contacts" in the "Windows"
menu. If there have been many changes to the search folder structure or the
Contact List file has been removed, a longer delay will occur when opening the
Contact List window, as the Contact files will be loaded. |
Importing |
Contacts can be imported from another application's exported text file by selecting
"Import contacts" in the "File" menu when you have the Contact
List window open. |
Exporting |
Contacts can be exported to a text file or using a translator for use in other applications by selecting "Export contacts..." in the "File" menu when the Contact List window is open (See chapter "Exporting Data"). |
Quote |
General |
About |
Quotes are linked to Contacts and stored in the Contact file. They have the
same book-like structure as Catalogues. |
Creating |
Quotes are created in a Contact (See section "History", chapter "Contact"). |
Fixed quoted prices |
All Quote entries placed into a Quote will copy the latest price at the time
of the transfer. The quoted price will then be fixed until you wish to change
it. The same is true for the name of the entry. |
Parts |
A Quote contains several parts: quote editing panel, goods, costs and profit
modes. The page switcher in the top right of the Contact file window allows
you to view each of these parts. |
Menu |
A Quote has its own menu visible when the window is selected. |
Quote menu |
Print preview Add miscellaneous... Selecting this menu item will allow you to create a new Quote entry which does not exist in a Price List. For example, this can be used to add products which you do not sell very often, or which have no real price. Clean up Arrange the Quote entries when in section/graphic mode. Update all prices Change the quoted price of each of the entries in this Quote to the current sell price of the source object in the Price List or Catalogue. This action requires all source documents to be open and will open these before continuing. Set Quote finance This item is used in the "Costs mode" and changes the finance type for a Quote. Quote discount This menu item allows you to change the discount for the whole quote. Sections as complete quotes This menu item indicates how sections are used in a quote. You can use sections
to display several alternatives or options for a customer. Convert to Order/Invoice This menu item is used to convert a Quote to an Invoice in the history mode. Open source info Open the info window for a selected Quote entry's source Product or Bundle. This is opened by the Quote entry's source file (Price List or Catalogue). Show specifications Shows the selected quote entry(s) specifications when printed. Open source documents If source documents (Price Lists/Catalogues) for any of the quote entries are closed, this menu item will open these source documents. These documents will be opened but hidden and can be seen in the "Windows" menu. Set source document Sets the source document for each of the selected entries via a file dialogue. Locate source documents If some of the source files have been moved or deleted from a disk, this menu item will open a dialogue to locate the correct source file (See section "Catalogue/Quote", chapter "Basics"). Check source documents Checks all of the Quote's source files to make sure they are open or on disk. |
Quote editing panel |
Quotes are created and edited within the history mode of the Contact file window. When selected, a Quote will display its first page which contains scheduling and other information. Other parts of the Quote can be shown using the Page switcher in the middle of the Contact file window. |
Quote editing panel |
Quote - menu This menu contains the actions for a quote Search field This field allows you to quickly find products or bundles in your price lists and catalogs. Enter some text in this field and the search with bring back a list of items that match the text with the product code or name Add This button will add any selected lines from the search (above) to the quote. Add - menu This menu contains a list of products and bundles from your price lists and catalogs that you can add by selecting the item. Page switcher In the middle of the window is a page switcher. This navigates through the Quote (See chapter 5. "Basics chapter"). Sales Reminders As each Quote entry is added to the Quote, a reminder can appear in the "Sales
Reminders" field. Quote name Quote names can be changed by first clicking on the Quote in the list and then changing the text in the name field at the bottom left of the list. Quote address The Contact address used in Quotes can be set by selecting an item from this
popup menu. Quote Icon The Quote icon acts as a dragging object. Dragging this icon will transfer the details of this Quote to another window. Dates There are three date values for each Quote which you may use if you wish. All of these dates can be printed using the quotes print template.
Active Not all Quotes are accepted by a customer, if you find that a Quote has been
rejected then you can click the "active" button off. This shows the
Quote in a deactivated state and removes any reminders from the To Do List. Salesperson responsible This field allows you to allocate or record the quote for another person in your company. Probability The expected probability that the Quote will be accepted can be shown using the "Probability slider". This value is used in summary reports. Dragging the slider to the required position sets the value, from 0 to 100%. Notes Notes for each Quote can be entered in the "Notes" field. These can describe the situation for the Quote, and other details. |
Goods mode |
About |
The goods mode of a quote contains the list of products which you wish to present
to your customer. |
Quote contents view |
Quote section/graphic view |
The name of each section can be changed in the section name field under the page switcher in the top of the window or by clicking on the section name in the "Contents" view. |
Costs mode |
About |
The costs mode of a Quote incorporates both costs and finance options. |
Costs mode |
Goods total The Goods Total, the full total of the goods quoted. Quote discount If you choose to have a discount value for the whole Quote, it will appear here. Pre tax costs Costs which incur sales tax can be added to a Quote. Sales Tax The calculated sales tax on the goods and costs. Non-taxable costs Costs which do not incur sales tax Total The total value of the Quote Finance Both rental and purchase finance can be added to a Quote Total financed The goods value to be financed. The goods total less quote discount, if any. Deposit The deposit a customer will pay on the goods, only applies to purchase finance. Term (months) The term over which the customer wishes to finance the goods. Finance rate The rate which applies to the term the customer has chosen. Finance rates are stored in the preferences (See section "Finance", chapter 24. "Preferences"). Monthly payments The payment the customer will make on a monthly basis for the financed goods. |
Whole Discount |
As well as a discount per item in the Quote or Invoice, a whole discount can
be provided. The action of setting the discount is hidden so that the Customer
is not prompted to ask for one. |
Setting discount on the whole Quote |
To remove a discount from a Quote, repeat the procedure and set the discount value to zero. The discount will be removed from the calculations display. |
Editing Costs |
To add a cost, either Pre-Tax or Non-taxable, click on the button "Pre
tax costs"/"Non-taxable costs" and a default nil cost will be
created. Finance The type of finance to be used for a Quote can be chosen by selecting "Set Quote finance" in the "Quote" menu. This will open the finance dialogue. |
Choose finance dialogue |
Choose the finance you would like to use, or "None" to remove the
finance fields. The editable fields for finance are the Deposit and Term fields. Double click
in these fields to edit them. |
Profit mode |
About |
The profit mode of a Quote or Invoice provides a breakdown of the profitability
of the Quote or Invoice. |
Quote Profit mode |
Goods total The total value of the goods included in this total. Quote discount Edited by double clicking on the Quote discount line with the "Alt" (Mac)/"Ctrl" (PC) key held down (See section "Costs mode" in this chapter). Total sale Total gross sale value of the goods. Goods cost The combined cost values of the goods in the Quote. Margin The margin value and percentage for the Quote. Commission If you have defined your commission percentage in the preferences, the sales commission value for the Quote will be shown here. Quote entries Each Quote entry will be listed with their own profit details. The quoted price is the value that you have recorded for the quote entry's sell price in this Quote. The list price is the current source Product or Bundle sell price, used for comparison. Double click on a line to edit these entries in the same way as the "Goods mode". Discounts, quoted price and other information can be changed for each Quote entry in the "Profit mode" to recalculate the whole Quote margin value. |
Quote entry object |
About |
When installed into a Quote, a Product or Bundle is converted into a Quote entry. In the Page (graphical) view of the Quote, it has the following graphical appearance: |
Quote entry (Graphical view) |
Each of the symbols shown indicates a property of the Quote entry. The Contents (line) view abbreviates these properties. The same Quote entry appears as the following in the Contents: |
Quote entry (Contents view) |
The quantity, name and discount can be changed directly here by clicking on each part and typing a new value. Name The name of the Quote entry. Quantity The number of items. This is not visible if there is only one. Discount The discount (in percent) associated with an object. Visible if a discount has been applied and the "Show discount" option has been checked (See section "Quote entry object" later in this chapter). Sales tax The Sales tax code for each Quote entry is shown (for countries that have more
than one Sales tax). The quote entrys price type is shown if you have more than one price type and have set the preferences to do show the type. Has description This indicator is present when the Quote entry will print a description. This description can be taken from a Product specification and provides a customer with more Product detail. Source Icon When the Quote entry's source document is open, the icon related to the source Product or Bundle will appear for this Quote entry. If this document is closed a default icon will appear, as in the figure above. Price differs from source A warning indicator which shows that the price stored for this Quote entry differs from its source Product or Bundle. Source file status The current state of this Quote entrys source document, Price List or Catalogue. If visible, it will show that the source document is not open, that it has been moved or simply can not be found. Source file name The name of the source document for this entry. This is optional and set in the preferences (See section "Contact ", chapter "Preferences"). |
Creating |
From the "Add" popup Products can be added to a quote by clicking on the "add" popup under the page switcher in the upper middle of the window. From a Price List Products can be selected and dragged from a Price List window into a Quote. Copying objects is done in a similar way, by selecting the product(s) and copying and pasting into the Quote. From a Catalogue or Quote Products and bundles can be selected and copied or dragged from a Catalogue
window, into a Quote. This is possible from both the contents and section (graphic)
Catalogue views. Note: Products (but not bundle objects) in Catalogues originate from Price Lists. This means that a Product copied from a Catalogue to a Quote will remember the Price Lists file, not the Catalogues. |
Deleting |
Quote entries can be deleted by selecting them, and then selecting "Clear Quote entry"/"Cut Quote entry" in the "Edit" menu or pressing the "Delete" key. |
Quote entry information dialogue |
Information about a Quote entry can be changed by selecting it and selecting "Edit quote entry" in the "Edit" menu, or by double clicking on it. This will show an information dialogue for that entry. |
Quote entry info dialogue |
Quantity The entrys quantity value can be changed in this field. It can be a decimal value if required, but must be a positive number. Name The objects name can be changed. The default is the name of the source Product or Bundle, when it was installed into the Quote. Changing the name only affects this object in this Quote. Price type If you have more than one price type then this popup will appear and allow you to choose a price type for the quote entry e.g. wholesale or retail. Unit Price This is the current price for the quote entry, after discount (if any). Total Price The unit price multiplied by the quantity. Sales Tax codes The Sales tax code will be shown if you have multiple Sales taxes or if the
Quote entry is exempt from tax. Show Specifications A description of an object can be shown in the printed Quote. This may be information
or notes about the Product, to assist the customer. Price List/Catalogue The source file for this quote entry is shown here. Open source info Clicking on this button will open the source Product/Bundle information window. |
Generous |
The discount value for a Quoted price can be set in the Quote entry info dialogue. |
Quote entry discount |
Discount can be set in two ways.
Pricing |
A quote entrys quoted price and cost can also be changed in the Quote entry dialogue. |
Update price and cost |
Quoted price The quoted price and the current list price (if available from an open source
document) are shown. This price update only affects this entry in this quote
and does not affect its price list. Cost The cost of a Quote entry is normally stored in its source object in a source
document (Price List or Catalogue). |
Adding miscellaneous Quote entries |
In some cases you may not have all products you sell stored in a Price List.
This could be true for items such as small accessories and products that you
sell very rarely. |
Add miscellaneous Quote Entry Dialogue |
A miscellaneous Quote entry behaves in much the same way as a normal Quote entry but has its own icon. |
Copying a Picture |
As mentioned earlier, quote entries can be copied from a Quote. When an entry is copied in the Page or Graphic mode, a picture of the object is also copied (as in a Catalogue). This picture can then be pasted into another application to be used in drawing documents. |
Printing |
Printing of a Quote is done by first selecting a Print Template and then double clicking on the Quote in the History list, or selecting "Print..." in the "File" menu (See chapter "Print Template"). |
Exporting |
A Quote can be exported to a file for use in other applications. This could be used for a picking list or shipping document. Select "Export Quote" in the "File" menu (See chapter "Exporting Data"). |
Invoice-Order |
General |
About |
Invoices and Orders are treated as the same object in SaleSmartz, they are
fixed records of goods purchased by a customer. |
Creating |
Invoices are created in the "Contact" window by converting Quotes into Invoices (See section "History", chapter "Contact"). |
Parts |
An invoice contains several parts. The page switcher in the top right of the
Contact file window allows you to view each of these parts. |
Invoice editing panel |
About |
Invoices are viewed in the history mode of the Contact file window. When an invoice is first selected, the first page of the invoice will be shown. |
Invoice editing panel |
Name The Invoice will retain the name of the original Quote until changed in the name field below the history field. Address The address popup menu acts in the same way as the Quote address type popup. The address chosen will be shown in the printed Invoice. Invoice icon The Invoice icon acts as a dragging tool. Drag this icon to move information about the Invoice to other windows. Invoice/Order number The Invoice can have an invoice number to act as an internal reference for
your company. This can be changed in this field, but can also be created automatically
if you wish, when you create the invoice. Customers reference The Invoice has a customer reference which is set at the time the Quote is converted to the Invoice. It can be changed in the number field below the list. This can be used to store a customers order number, or other reference, but is not required. Created date This date represents the time at which the Order/Invoice was converted from a Quote. Salesperson responsible This field allows you to allocate or record the invoice for another person in your company. Order confirmation/Picking List... If you have chosen the whole order process option in the preferences, then
you will be shown all of the parts of the process shown in the example above. Payment due The reminder date is set to remind you to check up on an Invoice, to make sure
it has been paid. The payment due date for an invoice can be set in this field.
This can be automatically defined with a set number of days, if you define the
contact property to do so (See chapter "Custom Variables"). Paid A button is provided to indicate whether or not a Contact has paid the Invoice. The date field to the right of this button shows the payment date, once the payment has been made. Notes Additional information such as terms of payment and partial payments can be stored in the Notes field. |
Goods mode |
About |
Invoice goods mode |
The goods mode is a list of all the goods purchased by the customer. The list of goods in an Invoice is fixed. Quantities, prices and costs of Products are set when the Invoice is converted from a Quote. Partial deliveries An invoice can be broken into several delivery stages. The actual delivered
amount can be edited by clicking on each products quantity. |
Supply |
About |
The supply part of an invoice can be used to help you order in products for the Customer's order. You can group products with suppliers to send orders to them or to act as a picking list for your own use. |
Invoice "Supply" mode |
Products can be grouped under supplier names by dragging each product to the
supplier. Suppliers are added when the Invoice is created, and collected from
the suppliers for each product. Use the "Edit" menu if you wish to
later add suppliers to or remove suppliers from the Invoice. |
Costs, Finance and Profit |
An Invoice has Costs and Profit modes like a Quote but these can not be changed. For more information about these modes, see sections "Costs mode" and "Profit mode", chapter "Quote". |
Printing |
Printing of an Invoice is done by first selecting a Print Template and then selecting "Print..." in the "File" menu (See chapter "Print Template"). |
Exporting |
An Invoice can be exported to a file for use in other applications. Select "Export Invoice" in the "File" menu (See chapter "Exporting Data"). |
General |
About |
SaleSmartz provides eMail integration so that you can send and receive eMails, and keep track of customer eMails. EMails can be automatically linked to contacts so that you can see your communication with a contact, at a glance, in the contact history. SaleSmartz uses its own eMail plugins, or external eMail applications to send and receive mail. You can also use templates to send eMails to one or more contacts. Quotes and invoices can also be emailed to contacts using SZ Templates. (For more information on these, See chapter "SZ Template") |
Hints |
EMail templates |
You can save an eMail as a template by selecting the "File" menu - "Save as" option. Save it into your "Merge templates" folder to use
it as a merge template for contact merges.
EMail quote/invoice templates |
Create a new SZ template and edit the template text. Then copy the template text and paste into an eMail. Save the eMail as a file in your "Templates" folder and it will appear in your quote/invoices template menu. |
Private eMail accounts |
You can set up personal eMail accounts in the Preferences - eMail accounts, and mark the option "Private account". All incoming and sent eMails for this account will appear in the "Private" folder which no other user can see. (See Section "EMail accounts", chapter "Preferences") |
Auto address completion |
Type a few letters of someones name or eMail address, click out of the address field and SaleSmartz will search for a matching address. It will insert the found address, or ask you to choose from a list of matching addresses when you click the send button |
Out of office reply |
Create an out of office eMail template, then you can set up an eMail rule to reply to all eMails with the template when you are on vacation. (See Section "EMail rules", chapter "Preferences") |
Creating |
New eMail is created by selecting "New" from the "File" menu, clicking on the new eMail button in the Tool Bar or a Contact Info window, or by mail merging with an eMail template |
New eMail window |
Basic new EMail window |
The eMail window allows you to create and edit eMails and then send them to your contacts. Send This button will send (or queue) eMails after you have completed them. You can save your eMails at any time and they will appear in the "Drafts" folder in the Mail Centre, until they are sent. If you have chosen the preference not to send immediately, this button will have the text "Queue" on it (See section "EMail", chapter "Preferences"). Clicking on "Queue" will save the eMail in the Mail Centre Outbox until the "Send & Receive" action is processed. Attach files With this button, you can attach one or more files to an eMail, so that they are sent with the mail. The list of attached files will appear in the bottom of the eMail window. Subject This field is used to enter the subject of the eMail To/Cc/Bcc These buttons/fields can be used to enter the address of the recipients. The
arrow icons to the right of these buttons allow you to choose an address from
your shortlist. This shortlist can be the most commonly used eMail addresses
and is changed by clicking on the button |
EMail destination address field |
When you edit an address, the address editor window will appear over the eMail window. Several addresses can be added to an eMail, by clicking on the "Add more addresses" link, or by pasting from the clipboard. Note: You can type names of contacts or partial addresses and SaleSmartz will find matches and automatically fill in the address. From The "From" popup menu allows you to choose the "From" address for your eMail. The list of these addresses is stored in the preferences (See Section "EMail accounts", chapter "Preferences") Message The large field in the bottom of the eMail window is used to enter the text
of the message. You can have a default signature appear here by default by setting
the eMail accounts in the preferences (See Section "EMail accounts", chapter "Preferences")
Spell checker |
You can use the built in spell checker for your emails. Windows users may need to install some extra software.
Click here for more info.
Spell checker menu |
Incoming eMail |
Received eMail window |
When you receive an eMail, it will have additional buttons in the eMail window. Reply This button will copy the text of the message and create a new eMail to the sender. Each line of the copied message can have a prefix (e.g. > ) so that you can see the original text. This prefix is set in the preferences (See section "EMail", chapter "Preferences") If you have set several eMail accounts in the preferences, the reply message will automatically have your "From" address set to the matching eMail account, and also any signtaure will be attached below the message. Reply to all this button functions in a similar way to the "Reply" button, but includes the addresses of all recipients in the new eMail. Forward This button will create a new eMail with the contents of the received mail, to allow you te send it to another recipient. Make new contact If the received eMail is not linked to a contact (i.e. the sender's address is not stored for any contact in your contact list), you can make a new contact from this eMail, by clicking on the "Make new contact" button. The address and any other name information stored in the eMail will be used to create the new contact. Once you save the new contact, all eMails relating to this contact will be attached to the contact if you have the preference set to do so (See section "EMail", chapter "Preferences") |
EMail menu |
The eMail menu will appear in the top of your screen when you have an eMail selected or an email window open. |
EMail Menu |
Send Send or queue this eMail, depending on your preference settings (See section "EMail", chapter "Preferences") Queue Queue this eMail in the Outbox for the next "Send & receive" Reply Create a new email in reply to this eMail Reply to All Create a new email in reply to this eMail, but to all addresses listed in the eMail Reply with <template> Create a new email in reply to this eMail using the selected template. See section "EMail templates", chapter "EMail" Forward Forward the email and any attachments to one or more eMail recipients. Resend Forward the email and any attachments in its original format, to one or more eMail recipients. This can be useful if you want to forward emails with HTML content to somone. Mark as read Change the "read" status of this email for you, to "Read" without opening it. This won't affect the read status for other users. Mark as unread Change the "read" status of this email for you, to "Unread". This won't affect the read status for other users. Save as.. Saves the current eMail as a file. This is useful for converting incoming eMails into templates. View eMail headers Show the hidden transmission information for an eMail. View source Show the content of the eMail message. This is really only useful for HTML messages. Edit HTML If you choose to resend an HTML formatted email, this menu item will allow you to edit the raw HTML before sending it. Insert image This will allow you to select an image file and then attach it to the eMail and insert an image tag placeholder in the email text.
EMail templates |
About |
EMail templates can be used as standard replies to emails, or even to email quotes and invoices.
To create more advanced eMail templates, paste the text from an "SZ Template" (Chapter "SZ Template") This will allow you to merge contact and quote/invoice fields with your template. |
Mail Centre |
About |
The Mail Centre stores and organises all eMails. It has several folders which store different types of eMail. |
Opening |
The Mail Centre window can be opened by choose "Show Mail Centre" from the "Windows" menu. You can also set a preference to open it when starting SaleSmartz (See section "General", chapter "Preferences") |
Mail Centre Window |
Mail Centre menu This button shows the menu for the Mail Centre. Details below Send & Receive This button will synchronise the Mail Centre with your eMail application. Queued mails in the Outbox will be sent and new mail will be added to the Mail Centre Inbox. Inbox...Deleted These folders store different types of eMails. You can move eMails between
folders by selecting and then dragging eMails onto the name of the folder.
Private This folder stores your own private eMails so that no others on the network can see or access them. Reply etc. Other buttons will appear once you have selected one or more eMails. These are the same buttons that appear in the eMail window and have the same function (See section "EMail") Only show my eMails This button will filter eMails so that you will see only those that were sent to or from you, or that don't match any of the user's personal eMail addresses if you have a network system. You will need to make sure you have set your personal eMail address in the preferences for this (See section "Myself", chapter "Preferences"). |
Mail Centre Menu |
Send & Receive You can manually synchronize eMail accounts using this menuitem. EMail accounts are synchronized in the background. Move to Use this menuitem to move selected eMails to other folders. EMail accounts Edit all eMail accounts in the preferences. EMail rules Edit all eMail rules in the preferences. Filter again This will filter all eMails in all folders and check to link them to contacts with matching eMail addresses. Run manual rules Run any rules marked with the option "Manual". Show eMail processes Show any background eMail account plugin processes. Displays the eMail menu (see above) for selected eMails. |
Attachments |
Any attachments for incoming eMails will be stored in a folder called "EMail
attachments" on your server, or in your SaleSmartz folder. These attachments
can be set to be removed if you delete the associated eMail, by setting a preference
(See section "EMail" chapter "Preferences").
EMail Rules |
About |
EMail rules are powerful filters which can be used to perform actions on eMails.
PriceList |
General |
About |
Price Lists are the reference documents for all Products. The structure of
a Price List allows sharing a single file between many users, such as in a team
network situation. Updates made by a user will be shown in the Price List on
the other users computers (See chapter "Multi Users"). |
Window |
Price List window |
The price type popup menu (which appears in the middle of the window under the title) allows you to show different price types e.g. Retail and Wholesale. This popup menu is only visible if there is more than one price type (See section "Price List", chapter "Preferences"). |
Creating |
Select "New..." in the "File" menu and then choose the "Price List" document type in the "New document" dialogue. |
Deleting |
A Price List file can be deleted by removing its file from disk. |
Opening |
A Price List can be opened by opening the file on disk or from the "Show a Catalogue/Price List" menu in the "Windows" menu. It can also be opened from a Quote or Catalogue by selecting the menu item "Open reference documents" or when an object requests Price List information (such as double clicking on an object in a Catalogue). |
Menu |
The Price List has a main list window for viewing all Products, Icons and Product Groups. It has its own menu called "Price List". When the Price List window is active, this menu will appear and contains these items. |
Price List menu |
Show Products Shows the view containing the list of Products. Show Product Groups This shows the Product Group view of the Price List window to show all installed groups and allow editing of them (See section "Product Groups" ). Show Icons This shows the Icon view of the Price List window to allow icon editing (See section "Product Icons"). Show Stock adjustments The stock adjustments view of a price list can be show by selecting this menu item. New delivery... If you wish to use the stock level features of SaleSmartz, this menu item allows you to enter a new delivery into the price list to change the stock levels for the selected products. Use default "Retail" price settings This menu item changes the selected product(s) to the default price and sales tax settings. These settings are taken from the selected Products Product group or the Price List. This action only affects the currently shown price type (if you have more than one). Set as default Catalogue/Price List This will make this Price List the default, so it will be opened, optionally at startup, or from the Windows menu. Set defaults... You can set the Price List's defaults with this menu item. |
Set defaults |
Setting the defaults for a Price List. |
Price type A popup menu at the top of the defaults window can be used to edit the defaults for each price type in the Price List, if there is more than one price type. Default price type The most commonly used price type can be marked with this check box. This price
type will be shown when the price list is first opened. Based on Here you can select if this price type is based on cost price, or another price type. Then the margin will set your sell price. Default margin The margin will be used for Products which use a default Price List margin (See section "Pricing", chapter "Product"). Round up/down Rounding of prices can be determined in the two rounding fields. Products that use a margin to calculate their retail price will be affected by these fields. Rounding can be used to prevent retail values containing decimal or odd values. Or to nearest You can specify the minimum price rounding here. eg. round to the nearest $ Currency for price type The currency for this price type can be set here. This will convert all prices in the price type using the exchange rates set in the Preferences (See section "Price List", chapter "Preferences"). Default sales taxes Sales tax can also be defined in this window. The sales tax field in the
right of the dialogue is used to display all sales tax values used in this price
list. Price breaks You can specify price breaks that apply to the whole price list here. You can also set price breaks per product group and per product. Default account The account code is only used when exporting products to an accounting system. Product Cost Currency This poup menu defines the currency that is used when you purhcase your products. By default it is your own currecny, specified by "System default currency" |
Product Icons |
About |
Picture icons can be added to a Price List to enhance the appearance and descriptions
of Products. These icons are stored in the Price List file and linked to Products
and Product groups. |
Creating |
Icons can be added by using the "Icons" view of the Price List window.
Select the menu item "Edit icons..." in a Price List menu when viewing
any of the Price List windows. The "Icons" view will appear with a
list of all of the Icons in the current Price List. Disk file icons (Macintosh version only) |
Pictures |
Pictures can be pasted as icons. If you have a graphics viewing application,
select a picture and copy it. Switch into the SaleSmartz application and paste
the picture into the price list window. A new Icon should be created using the
picture. |
Deleting |
Icons can be deleted by selecting an icon in the Icon's view and selecting "Clear icon", "Cut icon" in the "Edit" menu or pressing the "Delete" key. |
Editing |
Icons can be edited within the Price List. Double click on an Icon in the List window, or select it and choose the menu item "Edit icon". You will be presented with this editing dialogue. |
Icon editing dialogue |
Both large (Product information window) and small (Products in the Price List
window) icon views can also be edited. An Icon consists of four different view modes, the three colour depths and shadow. The mode(s) you choose to edit will depend on your computers screen colour capabilities, i.e. if you only work with a black and white screen then you will only need to edit the "B & W" icon view. Shadow The shadow mode is used to provide the background for the icon, it acts as
the screen. If you draw an icon and notice that not all the parts of the icon
are visible, then you will probably have to change the shadow mode icon. Expert icon editing If you have this option selected then you will be able to edit all possible view modes, as seen in the figure shown above. Normally you would have this option disabled and only edit the icons mode which matches your screen. |
Making changes |
1) To select an icon view, click on the sample icons at the top right of the window. Both large and small versions are available. Small versions will be used in line views, such as the Price List and Catalogue/Quote contents. Large Icons are used in Graphic views, such as the Catalogue and Product Information window. When selected, the chosen view will appear in the large editing field on the left. 2) Choose the tool you wish to use to draw from the tool palette. 3) Choose a colour from the palette on the bottom right of the window. 4) Use the cursor as a pencil to fill in dots of the Icon with the chosen colour. Straight lines can be drawn by first holding the shift-key down and then clicking in the sample. The first direction you move the cursor in will be the direction of the line you draw. 5) Borrowing a colour from a part of the sample icon can be done by holding the "Alt" (Mac)/"Ctrl" (PC) key down or choosing the eye dropper tool. The cursor will change to an eye-dropper symbol . The tip of the eye-dropper picks up colours when clicked on a dot in the sample. The selected colour will then appear in the colour palette. 6) Icons can be dragged to other icons in the top right of the window to convert them to different modes and sizes, e.g. the large 256 colour icon can be dragged onto the small 256 colour icon to convert the image to a small size without having to redraw it. 7) When editing is completed, click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the dialogue to store the changes into the Price List file. |
Product Groups |
About |
Product Groups provide a means of collecting Products into groups. A Group
has a name and optionally an icon. The group's icon will be used by Products
in the group if a Product has no icon of its own. "<None>" will
be shown as the default group name for Products. Even "<None>"
can have an icon attached. |
Product Groups. |
Creating |
Groups are created when Products are imported from a file and the "Product
Group" column has been checked "on" (see chapter 17. "Importing
Data"). |
Deleting |
Product Groups can be deleted by selecting a group in the "Product Groups" view of the "Price List" window and selecting the menu item "Clear Product Group" or pressing the "Delete" key. The default group "<None>" is protected and can not be deleted. |
Editing |
Product Groups can be changed if desired. Double click on a group in the Product Groups view or select and select "Edit Product Group" in the "Edit" menu. You will be presented with this dialogue. |
Edit Product Group dialogue |
Icon An Icon can be linked to a Product group by pasting from the clipboard or selecting
from the Icon list, in the same way as in the Product Information window. Group name The name of the group can be edited in the "Group name " field. Price type This popup menu allows you to define the following defaults for each of the
price types. Group Margin If you wish, a group's sell price margin can be set in this field. Click the button "Group margin" and then type a value into the field. This value will be used for Products in this group using the "Default margin" mode (See section "Pricing", chapter "Product"). Group account # A default account code can be set for products groups. This account code will be used when exporting products to an accounting application. This account code will only apply to products without their own account code. Sales tax If you wish to assign a sales tax to all products in this product group, use
this field. |
Stock adjustments |
About |
Product stock adjustments is an optional feature of Price Lists that can be
used to keep control of stock levels. |
Price List stock adjustments |
Stock adjustments are stored in each Product, and can be edited in the Product
Info window (See section "Supply", chapter "Product"). |
Importing |
About |
The easiest way to build or update a Price List is to import data from another
file. Selecting the "Import..." menu item in the "File"
menu presents you with the import dialogue. |
Product |
General |
About |
Products are stored in Price List files. The main window of the Price List is a list of all of the Products contained in the list. This list can be viewed and sorted according to each column (See section "Display columns", chapter. "Basics" ). The list shows an abbreviated form of each Product. |
Creating |
A Product can be created by either importing data from a text file or by selecting "New product" in the "Edit" menu while viewing the Price List window. "New product" will provide a dialogue to enter the new Product code". A unique product code will be provided as a default, you may change it if you
wish. This product code will remain fixed for the Product and act as the reference
for all other documents using the Price List. |
Deleting |
A Product can be deleted from a list by selecting one or more Products in the
Price List, selecting the menu item "Clear product", "Cut product"
or pressing the "Delete" key. |
Editing |
Once created, a Product can be edited by opening its information window. Double click on the Product or click on it and select the menu item "Open product". The information window will appear to allow editing. |
Product Info window |
About |
The Product Info window is used to display and edit information for a Product. It has a top panel and five other modes to display information. |
Menu |
The Product Info window has a menu which is only visible when this window is active. |
Product Info window's menu |
Show Products Selecting this menu item will show the Product's Price List's main window containing a list of Products included in this Price List. Show Product Groups The Product Group mode of the Product's Price List can be shown by selecting this menu item. Show Icons The Icons mode of the Product's Price List can be shown by selecting this menu item. Insert Quick Link This menu item can be used to insert the characters used to define a Quick Link for reminder text (See the Sale Reminders field description later in this chapter). Use default "Retail" settings This menu item reverts the Products pricing and sales tax to the Products Price List or Product groups default sales settings. Available in the "Pricing" mode. |
Product Info window |
The top panel of the Product Info window displays the basic information for a Product. Name The name of the Product can be changed in this field. Sell Price The sell price of the Product is shown in this field. Editing of the retail price is done in the "Pricing" mode of the Product Info window. Product code The Product code cannot be changed for a Product. It acts as the unique reference to this Product. Icon The picture icon for the Product can be changed. Until changed, all Products will have a default icon like this. |
Default Product icon |
Note: A Product without an icon will use its Product Groups icon if the
group has one. This is why a Product in a list may appear with an icon, but
in the information window it will appear without. |
Icon selection dialogue |
Double click on one of the icons displayed to select it or click on "Default". The default icon will deselect any icon that was associated with the Product. Pasting Icons An icon can also be linked to a Product by selecting the Product's icon in the Info window and pasting an icon or picture from the clipboard. Disk file icons (Macintosh only) |
Pictures |
Pictures can be pasted as icons. If you have a graphics viewing application,
select a picture and copy it. Switch into the SaleSmartz application and paste
the picture into the selected Product's icon. A new Icon will be created. |
Pricing |
About |
The "Pricing" mode shows information about the origin and pricing structure of the Product. When the user level is not "Full access level", this mode is hidden from view. This is to prevent a customer from possibly seeing this information. |
Product Pricing mode |
Price type popup If you have more than one price type, this popup menu will be visible and enable you to edit each price type within a product (See section "Price List", chapter "Preferences"). Sell Price This field contains the Product's current sell price value. This field can be edited only if the "Fixed sell price" mode is selected. If a margin mode is used this field will indicate the Product's sell price for the margin. Sell Price Modes The sell price for a Product can be set in three different ways. The simplest
way is to type in the Product's price into the "Sell price" field
(Fixed sell price). Fixed sell price This check box will select the "Fixed sell price" mode, where the Product's sell price is entered into the "Sell price" field. Fixed margin Selecting this check box will activate the "Fixed margin" mode for a Product. In this mode the Products sell price is determined by the margin value you enter in the "Margin" field. The "Sell price" field will be inactive, but will indicate the calculated sell price. Default margin If you click in the check box to activate this mode, a Product's sell price
will be determined by the default margin for that Product. Based on: If you have more than one price type, you can base one type on another by selecting another type in this popup menu e.g. Retail price = Wholesale + 30% margin. The default is to use the cost price for margin calculations. Cost price This describes the cost value of purchasing this Product. This is only used as a reference for yourself and for calculations used in the "Profit" mode of Quotes and Invoices. The cost price is used as the basis for margin calculations. Own account# If you export information from SaleSmartz to an accounting system, you can set this products account code in this field. If no number is entered here then the default account number will be used, from the Products Product group, or Price list. Sales tax codes If a Product uses a Sales tax that differs from its Product group or Price
List then you can edit the Sales Tax in this field. New Sales tax values can
be added by selecting "New tax rate" in the "Edit" menu
whenever the Sales tax field is selected. The choice of different Sales tax
rates is defined in the preferences (See section "Price List", chapter "Preferences"). |
Specs |
About |
The "Specs" mode shows the general information about a Product. |
Product Specs mode |
Product Group This field contains the Product Group that this Product belongs to. Product
Groups are properties of a Price List (See section "Product Groups", chapter "Price List"). Specifications This is a free text field. It can contain information about a Product such as size and colour. This information is used for example, in the Catalogue to describe a Product being displayed. Sales Reminders When a Product is moved into a Quote, a reminder can appear to remind the Salesperson of certain issues. This text will appear in the Quote to allow you to quickly add other related Products into the same Quote by clicking on the underlined quick links. |
Quote Sales reminders field |
The Sales Reminders field can contain information such as accessories or vital
components required when selling this Product, e.g. batteries or cables. The
field can simply contain text, or even links to other Products. Another way to link Products as Quick Link reminders is to drag a Product from
another window into the reminder field. This will automatically add the product
code and name, of the dragged Product, and format the text accordingly. |
Price breaks |
About |
The "Qty Disc" (Price breaks) mode allows editing of the price break discounts for this product. |
Qty Disc mode |
Use the buttons at the top of the list to add and remove price breaks. Click in the list on the numbers, to edit the price breaks. Quantity The quantity field determines the minimum quantity required to get the discount. Discount The discount percentage is the discount applied to the price once the quantity is reached. Unit price This field shows the discounted default price. This is an example and other price types will have the same discount percentage applied to provide a different price. Price breaks are calculated when a product is placed in a quote. |
Supply |
About |
The "Supply" mode displays the suppliers and stock levels for a Product. |
Product Supply mode |
Suppliers The supplier field can contain free text or links to Contact files. This field
is used to record the supplier(s) of a Product for your own reference. Stock adjustments This field is an optional feature for products. You can maintain a record of
stock changes for each product. These changes can be deliveries received or
orders sent out. A preference setting can be made to automatically take in to
account stock used in invoices/orders (See chapter "Preferences"). |
Extras |
About |
The "Extras" mode allows you to edit Contact properties and an optional
feature for products which may have several variations e.g. colour, texture,
material. |
Product Extras mode |
Properties Product variations New variation groups are added by clicking in the variation field and then
selecting "New variation" in the "Edit" menu. Click on "Variation
group" and then "OK". Variation groups can contain several variations.
The Matrix button allows variations to be defined in a matrix, useful for configuring
multiple quantities for different variations of a product. 1) Select "New variation" in the "Edit" menu, then enter the variation name and click "OK". This type of variation may also have a price component. 2) Products can be dragged from a Price List and added after each variation group to define the products variations. This means that for a variation group such as colour, products of "Red" and "Blue" can be created in a Price List and then dragged to the product shown above. The advantage of having variations in the form of other products is that each
variation can have its own price if necessary e.g. a plastic finish for a table
is cheaper than a wood finish. |
Defining product variations in a quote |
Defining a product variation matrix in a quote |
Once installed in a Quote, a Product with variations behaves almost exactly like a normal Product. |
Docs |
About |
Documents can be linked to Contacts, Products and Product bundles. The documents can be of any type available on a disk. |
Document link mode |
Creating |
A link is created by first clicking on the list field to activate it, then selecting "New document link" in the "Edit" menu. A dialogue will appear allowing a file to be selected. When selected this file will appear in the document list. |
Deleting |
Links are deleted by selecting the Document link in the Document list, then selecting "Clear document link" in the "Edit" menu or pressing the "Delete" key. |
Opening |
To open the document, double click on it or select it and choose the "Open document link". The application that created the document (if available) will then be launched with the document to be opened. Be sure to have enough memory available to open this other application, if memory is not available then a warning dialogue will appear to tell you. |
Catalogue |
General |
About |
Catalogues store references to Products in Price Lists and bundles of Products.
Catalogues are used to display Products in a graphical, organised and more descriptive
way than Price Lists. The structure of a Catalogue is Book-like as in a Quote. |
Window |
Catalogue window |
Price type popup If you have more than one price type, this popup menu will be visible and enable you to view each price type for the products (See section "Price List", chapter "Preferences"). Page switcher To the left of the Catalogue window is a Page switcher. This navigates through the Catalogue (See section "Catalogue/Quote", chapter"Basics"). Section name The section name field is used to edit the name of a section when it is viewed in the section (graphic) view. |
Menu |
The Catalogue has its own menu which appears when the Catalogue window is selected. |
Catalogue menu |
Clean up Align the Catalogue entries when in section (Graphic) view. New Bundle Create a new empty Bundle object. Bundle items Group the selected Products into a new Bundle object. Unbundle Break up the selected bundle(s) into source Products. Open source documents If source documents (Price Lists) for any of the Catalogue entries are closed, this menu item will open the source files. These files will be opened but hidden and can be seen in the "Window" menu. Set source document Sets the source document for each of the selected entries via a file select dialogue. Locate source documents If some of the source files have been moved or deleted from a disk, this menu item will open a dialogue to locate the correct source file (See section "Catalogue/Quote", chapter "Basics"). Check source documents Quickly check all source files to make sure they are open or located on the disk. Set as default Catalogue/Price List This will set this catalogue as the preference for the default Catalogue. The windows menu will then open this catalogue as the default, or when SaleSmartz starts up, if you have set the preferences to do so (See section "General", chapter "Preferences").
Creating |
Select "New document" from the "File" menu and then choose the "Catalogue" document type. |
Deleting |
A Catalogue can be deleted by removing its file from disk. |
Opening |
A Catalogue can be opened by opening the file on disk. |
Catalogue entry |
About |
A Product installed into a Catalogue creates a catalogue entry object. Each
catalogue entry remembers the file that it came from. The items file can
be changed by selecting the item, selecting the "Set source document"
menu item, and then choosing the new file. Products are represented by reference
in Catalogues, they are not stored there. This means that a Catalogue always
requires a Price List to display Product prices and icons. |
Large Catalogue entry |
If the preferences option is set to small Catalogue entries then the catalogue entry will appear as in the figure below. |
Small Catalogue entry |
The same Catalogue entry will appear in a simplified form in the contents mode of the Catalogue. |
Contents Catalogue entry |
Source icon The Products icon is shown here, when the Product's Price List is open. Source name The last updated name of the Product is shown here. Product code This is the reference code of the Product, the link to the Product in the Price List. This is hidden when the user level is not "Full access level". Sell price This is the current price of a Product, only available when the source Price List is open. Specification A sample of the specification stored for the Product in the Price List. Source file name The name of the Products source file. This is optional and can be set as a preference (See section "Catalogue", chapter "Preferences"). Source file status The state of the Products source file. This is hidden when the list file is open. It will show if the entry's Price List file is closed or has been moved/deleted. |
Creating |
Products can be selected and dragged from a Price List window into a Catalogue
window. Copying objects is done in a similar way, by selecting Product(s), copying
and then pasting into the Catalogue window. |
Deleting |
To delete a Catalogue entry, select it, and select "Clear catalogue entry" or "Cut catalogue entry" in the "Edit" menu, or press the "delete" key. |
Copying a Picture |
As mentioned earlier, Catalogue entries can be copied from a Catalogue window.
When an entry is copied in the section (graphic) mode, a picture of the object
is also copied (as in a Quote). This picture can then be pasted into another
application to be used in drawing documents. |
Printing |
About |
A Catalogue is printed by first choosing a "Print Template" file, then selecting "Print" or "Print preview" in the "File" menu (See chapter "Print Template"). |
Bundle |
General |
About |
Bundles generally consist of collections of Products. They have a unique code,
name, and a sell price, and are similar in function to Products. Bundles can
be used too as standard configurations or special price deals. |
Bundle icon |
Bundles can be quickly recognised by their icon outline as in the figure above. The icon content can be changed, but it will always have the same surround. In the contents mode, bundles will always have this small icon . |
Creating |
Bundles can be created by selecting "New bundle" in the "Catalogue"
menu. A unique code is required to create the Bundle. A dialogue to enter the
code will be shown with a default code. |
Deleting |
Bundles can be removed by first selecting the Bundle in a Catalogue, and selecting
"Clear catalogue entry" or "Cut catalogue entry" in the
"Edit" menu, or by pressing the "Delete" key. |
Editing |
Bundles are edited in the Bundle information window. This is opened by double clicking on a bundle or selecting it and selecting "Edit catalogue entry" in the "Edit" menu. |
Bundle Info window |
About |
The Bundle Info window is used to edit information about bundles. |
Bundle information window |
Name The name of the Bundle can be edited in this field. Icon The icon representing the Bundle is shown here, it is changed in the "Items" mode. This icon acts as a dragging tool. Dragging this icon can install this bundle in another document in the same way as dragging from the Catalogue. Expires on This option can be set to display the expiry date for bundles. A warning will appear if you try to use this bundle after this date. Bundle code The unique reference for other documents using this bundle. List price The saved sell price of the Bundle is fixed or uses the total of its Products sell price values. It is edited in the "Items" mode, later in this chapter. |
Menu |
Bundle window menu |
Insert Quick Link When editing the "Sales reminders" field, selecting this menu item will insert a new Quick Link character code (See section "Specs", chapter "Product"). Rebuild specifications When first created, a Bundle takes the specifications and sales reminders from the Products used to create the Bundle. If you wish to rebuild these specifications at a later time, select this menu item. |
Items |
About |
The "Items" mode of a Bundle info window shows the list of all Products included in the Bundle. It is not essential to have Products as components of a Bundle, but their attributes can be included and viewed from within the Bundle. |
Bundle Items mode |
Components The list of included Products is shown in the "Components" field. |
Position of different quantities of bundle icons. |
To the right of the check box, is the Products icon, if its source Price
List is open. The Product's code is visible if the user level is set to "Full
access". Price type popup If you have more than one price type, this popup menu will be visible and enable you to view each price type for the bundle (See section "Price List",chapter "Preferences"). Total When all Products have open Price Lists and therefore sell prices listed, a total will appear at the bottom of the window. This is the retail total of all of the Products. It can be used to determine the Bundles price. Fixed sell price The sell price of the Bundle is shown in this field. This can be fixed and
entered into this field, or it can be automatically calculated from the sell
prices of its component Products. The "Fixed sell price" button sets
the price mode to use. |
Specs |
About The "Specs" mode of a bundle shows a description of the Bundle. |
Bundle Specs mode |
Catalogue file name A reminder of the name of the file that the Bundle belongs to. Specifications This is a free text field. It can contain descriptive information about the items in a Bundle. Sales reminders When a Bundle is moved into a Quote, a reminder can appear to remind the salesperson of certain issues (See section "Specs", chapter "Product" for a description of Sales reminders). These reminders can be edited in this field, or taken from the bundled Products. |
Pricing |
About |
The "Pricing" mode of a Bundle info window contains the account code and Sales Tax fields. |
Bundle Pricing mode |
Account code This account code is used only for exporting to accounting systems. Own tax rate By default, a bundle will inherit the tax rates from it's components. You can override these tax rates by clicking on "Own tax rate" end editying the taxes in the fields below. |
Docs |
About |
Documents of various types can be linked to the Bundles such as pictures and data sheets (See section "Docs", chapter "Product"). |
PrintTemplate |
General |
About |
A Print Template provides a format for printing a Quote/Invoice or Catalogue. These templates can be used for Printing and Faxing. If you want to use templates for EMailing and saving to disk files, use SZ Templates instead (See Chapter "SZ Template"). The position and text appearance for each of the components of these printed
documents can be customised. These components are represented by "Template
blocks". These blocks are manipulated to provide the desired layout of
the template. Additional text and picture blocks can be added to enhance the
printed result. 1) Preceeding page (optional). This page can contain fields such as Fax header information. If this part contains no blocks, it won't be printed. 2) First product page. This is always part of a printout. This will probably contain customer address details in a Quote or Invoice. 3) Middle product page. If the total number of pages in a printout exceeds
two, then this sub layout is used for all the pages between the first and last,
i.e. in a 5 page printout, pages 2,3,4 will use this sub layout. 4) Last product page. This layout is also always part of the printout. When
printing, the Application will check to see if the information fits on to the
first page. If it does, it then checks if the data will still fit when the blocks
from the last page are added. If not, another page will be added to show the
last page's blocks. 5) Following page (optional). This page can contain information to be appended after the product information pages. It woln't be printed if it contains no blocks. |
Hints |
EMail quotes/invoices |
You can print SaleSmartz quote/invoice templates to PDF files and eMail attachments.
Print templates |
Creating |
To create a new Print Template, select "New" from the "File" menu and then choose the "Print Template" document type. |
Opening |
A Print Template can be opened by opening its file on disk. |
Editing |
A template consists of three types of blocks. By default, a "Columns" block is created. This is essential for printing, and can not be removed. Text and picture blocks can be added as well. |
Creating Blocks |
Template blocks are created in different ways depending on the type of block
you wish. |
Deleting blocks |
Template blocks can be deleted by first clicking on them to select them and choosing the menu item "Clear template block" or pressing the "Delete" key. |
Block info dialogue |
Double clicking, or selecting a block and selecting "Edit template block"
in the "Edit" menu, will display an information dialogue. Each blocks
attributes are set in this dialogue. |
General block attributes part of a Block info dialogue |
Preceeding page, First page, Middle pages, Last page, Following page The sub layout(s) that a block will appear on are selected using the three check boxes at the bottom left of the dialogue. Column blocks are always visible on all sub layouts. Auto placement Check the "Auto placement" option on when you wish to automatically
place a block which lies below the columns block. |
Appearance |
The blocks font, style, alignment and size can be changed using menus.
The type and width of border can also be set for a block using the "Border"
menu. |
Column block |
Column blocks display the content of the Quote/Invoice or Catalogue. Print
preferences can be set, to customise the appearance of the printed result. |
Sample printed columns |
The columns block has more attributes than the other two block types. The order and content of each column can be set. The font and border settings can also be set for individual cells in the block. |
Columns block |
To the right of the columns block are buttons with ticks or crosses. These
buttons define which rows will be included in the final print out. Click these
buttons on or off to change the printed result. Header The header is the name of the content of each column. The text appearance is set for all of the headers together. Section name This is the name of each section of Products in the Quote/Invoice or Catalogue. This cell will always remain visible in the template edit window, even if the "Print section name" option has been turned off. Section picture The graphical (Icon) view of each section of Products can be included and printed.
This view is created in the source Quote/Invoice or Catalogue and appears the
same as a section (graphical) view in these documents. Content As well as for the whole block, the size, font and border for each cell in
the column block can be set individually. The size and content of each column
can be changed at the top of the block (See section "Display columns", chapter "Basics"). Totals The total cells can each be set to individual text appearances. They will always
be placed on the right hand side of the columns block. |
Column Block Info |
Double clicking on the Column block will show the Column Block Infor Dialogue |
Column block info dialogue |
Common page size The column block in each sub-layout has the same height. The width of the column block on each sub-layout is always the same. Ignore nil cost totals If the pre-tax costs total or the non-taxable costs total are nil then this total will not be printed. Ignore nil quantity items When you break orders/invoices into part deliveries, some entries may have a nil value for quantity. These items can be removed from the printout by checking this option.. One section per page Each section in the Quote/Invoice or Catalogue will be started on a new page in the printed result. Sections that will not fit on to a single page in the print out will be carried across to the next one. Print quote discount % value When the overall quote discount is printed, you can choose to print the discount as a percent value as well as the money value, by using this option. Split Sales taxes If you have multiple tax components in a Invoice/Quote, this option will split them and show the total for each. Variation quantity matrix This option will show products which have variation matrix, as a grid of quantities (See section "Extras", chapter "Product"). Product icons Icons can be printed for each product line by choosing "Icon" from the column's content pop up. The placement of these icons is determined by the column definitions in the columns block.
Columns block info, Column headings mode |
The pop up menu at the top of the columns block dialogue allows you to change
other information for a block. |
Text block |
Text blocks can contain information about the Quote/Invoice, Customer (only
for Quotes and Invoices) or other sources. |
New text block |
The text content of each block can be taken from one of six sources and is selected in the text block info dialogue. This dialogue is opened by double clicking on a text block. |
Text block info dialogue |
The sources of the content of a text block are: 1) Preset text. Preset labels can be added to the template. The text content of these blocks can be chosen from the pop up in the Block info dialogue. Labels, such as Contact name and address are set from the attributes of each Quote/Invoice. Other labels, such as date, time and page number are calculated when printing. 2) Editable text. You can define your own "Standard text", which will appear on all printing, such as headings or greetings. This text can be changed for each Quote/Invoice/Catalogue just before printing, in the "Print preview" dialogue. Single line If you only wish to use a single line of preset text, check this option on. This could be used for example for the Contact phone numbers field, if you only wanted to show the first phone number from several in this field. The number to the right of the check box represents which line you wish to use. Suffix text If you wish to place any text after the preset text, enter it in this field. This can be useful for example if you wished to place a comma after a person's name, but could not always be sure how long the name was. |
Picture block |
Picture blocks can contain such items as company logos or maps. |
Printing a Quote/Invoice or Catalogue |
When ready, a Quote/Invoice or Catalogue can be printed using a template. The
printed appearance will be determined by the chosen "Print Template". |
"Print preview" dialogue |
Reset titles To change all the fields back to their original values, click on "Reset
titles". Template chooser popup menu You can choose another template by selecting from the popup menu in the bottom of the window. This will update the window with the new template Edit selected template This button will close the print preview window and open the selected templates source file for editing. Plug-in menu This menu will allow you to choose the plug-in to use to print/fax/email or
save the document. Documents can be emailed using Text, HTML or PDF file format. For SZ Templates
(See chapter "SZ Template") |
TimeManagerCalendar |
General |
About |
The Time Manager section of SaleSmartz has many functions. It is a Contact
manager, day planner, organiser and reminder system. It is designed with simplicity
in mind, but has the support of a very sophisticated system. |
Menu |
The Calendar menu is always visible. |
Calendar menu |
New To Do Creates a new empty To Do Memo and opens its window. This can be done at any time (when there is no dialogue open) without closing documents. New banner A new banner can be created by selecting menu item. See the section on banners later in this chapter. Read out today's To Dos If you have a compaitble sound synthesizer installed, this menuitem will read out the dail to dos. This option can also be set at startup (See section "General", chapter "Preferences") To Do List Show the To Do List window, the list of all To Do Memos. Monthly planner Show a monthly view of To Do Memos. Weekly planner Shows the window with the To Dos for a whole week. Daily planner Shows the window with the To Dos for a particular day. Access... Define the access you will allow for other users connecting remotely to your To Do List. Connecting remotely to your To Do List is only allowed if you place your To Do List on a networked shared disk. New Message Centre... Selecting this menu item will create a Message Centre file. A Message Centre is effectively the same as a To Do List file but can be opened separately. This can be placed on a networked shared disk and is used to receive memos from other users, if you turn off or take your computer away from the network (See section "Remote access" below). Open Message Centre... Open the application's default Message Centre to view received memos. |
Remote access |
Additional menus appear for a To Do List if you open a Message Centre or another
user's To Do List. As mentioned before, a Message Centre operates in the same
manner as a To Do List. |
Creating |
The "To Do List" is created if necessary when the application is launched. A file called "To Do List" will appear on disk. This file can then be placed elsewhere if you wish but is always required to run SaleSmartz. |
Deleting |
The To Do List file can be removed, but will be recreated when SaleSmartz is launched again. Do not remove the To Do List file while the application is running. |
Opening |
The three To Do view windows can be opened in the "To Do" menu or
the To Do List window can be opened by opening its disk file. |
To Do Memo (manual) |
About The To Do Memo acts as the central component of the To Do List. In its simplest form it appears as in the figure below. There are two forms of memo. One is the manual version as described here and the second is an automatically created by the application (See section "To Do Memo (automatic)" later in this chapter ). |
Basic To Do Memo |
The colour of the window can be set as a preference (See section "To Do", chapter "Preferences"). The default colour for a manual To Do is yellow. |
Creating |
The To Do Memo can be created in many ways.
Deleting |
Manual To Do memos are deleted by selecting the memo in any of the three main
windows, selecting "Clear To Do" in the "Edit" menu or pressing
the delete key. |
Editing |
When a memo is first created, its window will appear and immediately allow
text to be typed into it. This text will automatically be saved when you close
the window. |
Memo window (Date dependent) |
The function of each of these buttons is listed here.
Show the detailed information dialogue for this memo. Types. The following buttons set the type of the memo. Clicking on one or more of these buttons will add this type to the memo.
A personal reminder whether or not a memo has been actioned.
Click this button to send a To Do Memo to another user across the network.
Automatically dial phone numbers (See section "Dialling", chapter "Basics")
Delete this To Do Memo from the To Do List
Shown when this memo is overdue
Drag this icon to move this memo's information to another window. Due date If "Date dependent" has been checked "on" in the information dialogue, then a "Due date" field will appear to show this date. It can be edited by clicking in the date or time fields and editing them (See section "General", chapter "Basics").
Set the due date of this memo to the current date and time. |
Detailed information |
Clicking on the "Info" button in a memo window will open the information dialogue. |
To Do Memo information window |
This window allows editing of the data stored in the memo. Done As in the memo window, "Done" is a reminder to you that the memo has been actioned or not. Type "Type" buttons appear again down the left side of the dialogue. These have the same action as the buttons on the memo window top panel. Priority The priority of the memo can be set in this pop up menu. The setting can be one of "<None>", "Normal" or "High". This setting will affect the memos text appearance in the main windows, as a reminder. Notification eMail addresses You can enter one or more eMail addresses in this field to have this To Do memo sent to the recipients when it is due, or for advance warnings. Created This date can be edited and acts as personal reminder of when the memo was created. Date related This option enablesl date and time fields. It means that the To Do Memo has a specific time. Recurring event If you have an event that repeats e.g. a birthday or paying monthly wages,
you can choose this event type. Time related If you can enter a specific time for this memo, use the "Time related" option. Type the time value into the field to the right of this button. Advance warning time Each To Do Memo can have an warning to remind you about the memo in advance. This warning can be enabled and the period set with the fields at the bottom right of the dialogue. A default warning will be set for each new To Do Memo according to the setting in the preferences (See section "Notify", chapter "Preferences"). |
Notification |
When a To Do memo becomes due, actions can be taken to warn you. These actions
are set in the preferences (See chapter "Preferences"). Other applications To Do due warnings can also be made to appear in other applications while you are using them. |
To Do Memo (automatic) |
About |
As seen in the Contact window, many items are time dependent. Quotes and Invoices
have due dates, Contact memos also have dates. When a Contact file is opened,
To Do Memos are created for each of these. These To Do memos are automatic and
have a different colour to differentiate them from the normal To Do Memos. The
content of Automatic To Do Memos cannot be changed |
Creating |
Automatic To Do memos are created or updated when a Contact file is opened
or saved. |
Deleting |
Automatic To Do Memos are managed by the To Do List. These memos will be deleted
when they have are no longer required, e.g. a Quote has been deleted or deactivated. |
Hot Links |
About |
A Hot Link is an object which can be placed on to a To Do Memo. It is a link to another part of the application. |
Creating |
Hot links are created by dragging objects onto a To Do Memo. It can be any one of these.
Dragged from a Contact address mode or the Contact List window.
Created by the "Telephone" dialogue.
Dragged from the history mode in the Contact window.
Dragged from the history mode in the Contact window.
Dragged from the history mode in the Contact window.
An email dragged from the Mail Centre or a contact History.
Dragged from a Catalogue window.
Dragged from Report builder window.
Dragged from a Report window. A hot link appears as an icon and name (in italic text style) on a To Do memo. |
Contact Hot link |
It can also be created by dragging a Hot link from another To Do memo. |
Deleting |
A Hot link is deleted by selecting it, and then selecting "Clear Hot link" in the "Edit" menu, or pressing the "Delete" key. |
Opening |
A hot link is opened by double clicking on it or selecting, and selecting "Open
Hot link" in the "Edit" menu. |
Quick Quote |
Quick Quotes are lists of Products and Bundles on a To Do Memo. A Quick Quote is created when you drag Products or Bundles from a Price List or Catalogue on to a To Do Memo. |
Quick Quote Hot Link |
Each line in the Quick Quote lists the quote entry's details. The Icon is taken
from the source object. The quantity is displayed and used in calculations.
The product code is shown if the user level and preferences allow it. The name
of the entry and price are taken from the source Product or Bundle. Dragging a whole Quick Quote is done by clicking in the region outside the
entry list but still inside the outer border. |
Adding Entries |
Additional Products or Bundles can be installed after the Quick Quote has been created, by dragging them on to the To Do Memo. |
Deleting Entries |
Quote entries can be deleted from a Quick Quote by selecting the entry in the list, selecting "Clear quote entry" in the "Edit" menu or pressing the "Delete" key. |
Editing Entries |
Editing Quote entries can be done by choosing an entry and selecting "Open quote entry" in the "Edit" menu or double clicking on a line. |
Quick Quote entry info dialogue |
Icon The icon is displayed from the source Product or Bundle object. Quantity The quantity value associated with each Quote Entry is changed in this field. Name The name of the Quote Entry is taken from the source Product or Bundle. Product code/Bundle code The code that links this Quote Entry to the Product or Bundle. Discount A discount percentage for the selected quick quote entry can be set in this field. Price List file name/Catalogue File name The name of the source document that contains the Product or Bundle Choose file Click this button if you wish to change the source document of the selected quote entry, i.e. Price List or Catalogue file. Open source info Click this button to open the information window for the source Product or Bundle. |
Banner |
About |
Banners can be used to mark periods of several days with a message or theme, e.g. expos and training courses. |
Creating |
Banners are created by select "new banner" in the To Do menu. You will then be presented with the banner information dialogue. |
Banner information dialogue |
Deleting |
A banner can be deleted by selecting it in the To Do Month window and pressing the "delete" key or selecting "Clear banner" in the "Edit" menu. |
Editing |
Changes to banners are made using the banner information dialogue. This dialogue is opened by double clicking on a banner in the To Do Month window, or by selecting a banner and selecting "Edit banner" in the "Edit" menu. |
To Do List window |
About |
The complete list of To Do memos can be viewed in this window. |
To Do List window |
The top panel contains filters for the memos. If you only wish to see some of the memos, selections in this panel can remove the others. Time filter The period of time for the selection of memos can be chosen here. Those memos without a due date can be viewed with the "No due time" menu item. Priority The priority can be chosen here to show only those memos that match. Types The type of memos viewed can be selected here, by clicking buttons "on" or "off". All choices The "All choices" button List The list of To Do Memos included in this application are listed here. The contents and sorting of the list can be changed with the headings at the top of the list (See section "Display columns", chapter"Basics"). |
To Do Month window |
About |
To Do memos can be viewed in periods of single months using the Month window. |
To Do Month window |
The month being viewed is shown in the top panel. A pop up of months and also arrows allow selection of the month. The year can be changed by typing the desired year in the year field, or clicking on the arrows. The current month can always be shown by clicking on the "Now" button on the top left of the window. The days of the week are displayed on the top. The starting day of each week
can be changed in the preferences (See section "To Do", chapter "Preferences"). The memos displayed in the To Do Month window can have times displayed if you wish. This is a preference. |
Scheduling |
To Do Memos can be moved between days inside the month window by clicking and
dragging them. This changes the due date of each memo as it is shifted. Auto
To Do Memos can not be shifted in this manner. |
Days |
Double clicking on a day in the calendar, or selecting a day and selecting
"Open day" in the "Edit" menu , will open the "To Do
Day window". |
Weeks |
Week numbers are shown to the left of the month. Double clicking on these numbers will open the "To Do Week window". |
To Do Week window |
About |
The To Do Week window acts in a similar way to the Month window. |
To Do Week window |
The week being viewed is chosen in the top panel. A date can be chosen in the
date field. The week including this date will then be shown. |
Scheduling |
To Do Memos can be shifted within this window to reschedule them. As they are moved to different times of the day, or different days, the due date of the memo will change to match the time. |
To Do Day window |
About |
The To Do Day window acts in a similar way to the Month window. |
To Do Day window |
The day being viewed is chosen in the top panel. The date field can be changed
or the arrows can be used to select a different day. |
Scheduling |
To Do Memos can be shifted within this window to reschedule them. As they are
moved to different times of the day, the due date of the memo will change to
match the time. |
Remote access |
About |
To Do Lists can be accessed by other users across a network. You can allow these users to view information in your To Do List. This feature is useful for example, if several people wish to organise a meeting together. |
Access |
The access privileges you allow other users for your To Do List file is set in the "Access" dialogue. This dialogue is opened by selecting "Access" in any of the "To Do" menus. You can only edit the access privileges for your own To Do List or Message Centre. |
To Do List access dialogue |
Use the check boxes to determine what a remote user connecting to your To Do
List can do. |
Opening remote To Do Lists |
To open another user's To Do List or Message Centre, select "Open..."
in the "File" menu in the normal manner. Locate the file on the network
and click "Open". Be sure that the other user has placed their To
Do List or Message Centre on a network shared disk. |
Sending To Do Memos |
You can send To Do Memos to other users on the network. This could be to relay
ideas or simply to record phone messages taken for another person. The "Send To Do memo" window will then appear. You can select a recipient and then click "Send". Only those users that use the same "Shared resources" file are available to send memos to in this way i.e. all SaleSmartz users must use the same "Shared resources" file in a shared folder or server in a network. Alternatively you can click on the button "Send to file...". When you click on this button you can choose the To Do file or message centre belonging to another user and click "Save". This file must be accessible in a shared disk in the network. A message will be automatically appended to the To Do Memo to confirm that it has been sent. The receiver of the memo will automatically receive an appended message to say who sent the memo and when. |
Message Centres |
Message Centres can be used to collect message if you are away from the office or do not wish other users to see your To Do List file. It has the same functionality and format as a To Do List file but its main function is to receive memos. If you place your Message Centre on a file server or other shared disk, users
can send messages to you and even check your schedule in this file. It is possible to have more than one Message Centre but only one is listed
as the default. Others can be opened with the "Open" menu item in
the "File" menu. |
CustomVariables |
General |
About |
Custom Variables can be used to classify Contacts using your own criteria and crfeate your own custom fields.
For example you may wish to group Contacts into Supplier and Customers. This
chapter describes Custom Variables (or Classifications) for Contacts. |
Hints |
Setting a variable for multiple contacts |
You can set a custom variable for multiple contacts by dragging a selection of contacts from a contact list window to a variable in the "e;Custom variables window"e;. This will prompt you to set a value for the new variable and them update and save the dragged contacts. |
Removing a variable from all contacts |
When you delete a custom variable, you will be asked if you want to delete it from all contacts. |
My custom variables appear in italics in a contact |
This means that the custom variable in the contact is no longer in the main custom variable list. If you click on the vairable in italics, you will be asked to add it to the main list, which will make it available for all contacts. |
Custom variables |
Window |
Custom variables window |
Creating |
Custom Variables are stored in the file "Shared resources". This files name and location are stored in the application preferences. |
Opening |
The Custom Variables window can be opened by selecting the "Show Custom
Variables" from the "Windows" menu. |
Deleting |
The Shared Resources Document can be deleted by removing its file from the disk. |
Standard Custom Variables |
Several Custom Variables are supplied as "standard" and are always included in the Shared Resources Document. These properties can be recognised by a being displayed in bold. These properties are used by SaleSmartz to link additional information to a Contact. These variables can only be deleted by the administrator user. Company reg. number This variable is used when contact information is exported to accounting applications. Quote discount % If this variable is assigned to a Contact, each quote created for the Contact will automatically have a whole quote discount assigned when the quote is created. Sales tax exempt This variable acts as a switch to turn off sales tax for items in quotes, and
later invoices. It does not however alter the sales tax for invoices that are
already created. Default price type If you have several price types, you can choose which type to use for certain Contacts by adding this Custom Variable to each Contact e.g. you could have retail or wholesale customers. Days credit This variable is used to automatically assign a payment due date for invoices. |
Editing |
About |
Once a Custom Variables window has been opened, its properties can be edited. |
Adding |
Properties are added to a Shared Resources Document by selecting "New
variable" in the "Edit" menu. |
Deleting |
Properties can be deleted from the variable window by choosing a variable from
the list and selecting the "Clear variable" menu item. Deletions are
only saved when the document is saved. |
Editing |
Properties are edited in a Custom Variable window by double clicking on a variable line. A dialogue will appear, allowing you to change the variable details. This dialogue also appears when you add a new variable. |
Edit Variable dialogue |
Variable name The name of the variable can be entered in this field. Changes to this name will appear in all Contact files that use the variable, with this variables code. Per Company/Person This option defines the variable as being associated with the whole company or one or more people within the company. Include in new contacts If you have properties that are used in all contacts then you can mark them as "Contact default" by checking this option "on". This means that all new contacts will have these properties included automatically. Variable type The type of value that will be attached to a variable can be changed by choosing a type button. Yes/No Properties with this type can only have two values, Yes and No, e.g. a variable called "Supplier" could have this type to indicate whether a Contact is a supplier or not. Number A number type can be used to describe items such as "Staff count". Numbers can be decimal values, either positive or negative. Date A date type can be used to store information about a Contact such as "First Contact" where you can record the date you first spoke to a Contact person. Text The text type can be used when you wish to store other information about a Contact. This can perhaps be a credit rating or a list of their interests. Include in Calendar (Date) For date type variables, you can choose to include the variable as a reminder in your To Do list with a link back to the contact. Has a default value If you want to assign an initial value to a variable, click on this check button. This will allow you to edit a default value which will be used whenever the Custom Variable is installed into a Contact file. Has limits If you wish to restrict the possible values for a variable, click on this check
button. You can enter the limits in the field(s) below the button. |
ImportingData |
General |
About |
Price Lists and Contact Lists can be created or updated by importing data from
text files. This chapter describes importing data for both of these lists. Contacts imported from a text file can be saved in Contact groups or as individual
files in a folder called "Imported Contacts" in the applications
folder. |
Preparation |
Before importing data into SaleSmartz you should prepare the import file. Open the application you would like to export the data from. Save the required information as a text format file. SaleSmartz is very flexible with the order of the columns and the field delimiter character so these are not so critical. A good test for the exported data is to try and import it into a spreadsheet
or word processor application. This will show you what the data looks like before
you import it into SaleSmartz. New Interiors Ltd.=>C-223=>James Chairson=>Mr=>Purchaser This example shows what would become two Contacts, the "=>"
represents a tab character and the two lines are separated by a normal return
character. |
Process |
Selecting "Import..." in the "File" menu presents you with one of these dialogues: |
Importing Products from a text file. |
Importing Contacts from a text file. |
Plug-ins If you have translator files in the "Plug-ins" folder that are designed
for import, the popup menu "Custom translator" will appear above the
button "Choose file". This popup menu will otherwise be hidden. |
Importing (Custom translator) |
To import data from a text file follow these steps. 1) The import file can be chosen by clicking on the button "Choose file".
A dialogue will appear to allow you to choose a text file. 2) Set the Field delimiter character. By default this is a tab. If the file
has a different delimiter, click in the "Field delimiter" field and
type the character. A Tab will appear as "tb" as in the example. 3) Some files may have more than just a field delimiter and have quotes around
each field, e.g. "Field1","Field2","Field3". 4) If some of the fields you import contain return (line end) characters, such
as addresses, then these characters must be replaced before importing. A return
character represents a new row, so fields with returns in will scramble the
data. 5) Drag the sample text on the right hand side of the sample field to match
the columns on the left. The text will be rearranged and show the new order
immediately. 6) Different lines of the text file can then be viewed with the switcher to
the right. Check that other lines have the same format. 7) Check or uncheck the boxes on the left according to the data available.
This restricts the import of data to only those that are checked on. 8) Once you have set the import format, click on the "Test" button.
The import will be checked and a status dialogue will appear. 9) Errors (if any) can be viewed by clicking on the "Show errors" button. If there are a lot of errors the import order may be incorrect, click "Cancel" and rearrange the rows before trying again. |
Product import errors dialogue. |
Errors are shown referenced by line number in the left hand column. A description and then a sample of the text line is also shown. The highlighted part of the sample text indicates the position of the fault. Tab characters will be shown by the character "×" as in the example. 10) When you are happy with the result of the import, click on "Save"
in the Import status dialogue. The new Products or Contacts will now be changed/added
and then saved to disk. When a Price List text file is imported as an update, Products can be added
if they dont already exist in the list. |
Importing from Act! |
Versions older than Act! 7.0 |
If your version of Act!® is older than 7.0, you need to import the old database files into a Trial version of Act! 7.0 before proceeding with the steps below.
Importing Act! Contacts |
An import Plugin is available to import contacts from Act! 7.0.
1) Open Act!, then select "File" menu - "Export". 2) Choose the type of file to be "Text delimited" and press the "Browse" button to Select the file destination, then click "Next". 3) Select the "All records", if you want all contact records and then proceed clicking next. 4) When you get to the screen asking "Do you want to export field names?", click on "Yes, export field names" 5) Click next with the default screen values until the file is exported. 6) Open SaleSmartz and select "File" menu - "Import Contacts" and select the "Act! 7.0 Contacts" option in the Import type popup menu. 7) Click "Next" and follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the import. Note:The default field mappings may vary in Act! and the fields in SaleSmartz will be in the wrong place. To avoid this, download the default mappings file here (Unzip it) and click on "Load map" to load this file after step 5) above. |
Importing Act! Notes/History |
An import Plugin is available to import notes and history from Act! 7.0. You will need to create a report file from Act! to export the Notes and History entries. 1) Open Act!, then select "Reports" menu - "Notes/History". 2) In the dropdown, "Send the report output to", select "HTML File" 3) Click on the "All contacts" button 4) Click on each of the tabs (Note/History etc.) in the top of this window and select the "Date range" to "All". Also, click all option types you want to export, they are off by default. 5) Click OK and select where to save the file. 6) Open SaleSmartz and select "File" menu - "Import Contacts" and select the "Act! 7.0 Notes/History" option in the Import type popup menu. 7) Click "Next" and follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the import. Note:You should import Act! contacts before Notes/History. Notes/History are linked to contacts by Company name so you may have to merge contact details for duplicate entries if the contact has no company name. |
ExportingData |
General |
About |
Price Lists, Contact Lists, Reports, Quotes and Invoices can be exported to
files which can be used by other applications. This process can be used in mail
merge letters to customers or to view products in a spreadsheet. Refer to chapter "Report" for more information about exporting Reports. |
Translators |
About |
Translator plug-ins are used to format exported data. SaleSmartz has a built-in translator called "Custom translator". Other translator plug-in files (for other applications) can be added to the "Plug-in" folder inside the main folder of SaleSmartz. You can see which translator plug-ins are installed by looking at the "Export" menu item in the "File" menu whenever you are ready to export from a window of data. The "Export" menu item will have a sub menu (small triangle to the right, like the "Merge with" menu item) if any translator plug-ins are installed and this sub menu will contain a list of the translators that can be used. If no translator plug-in files are installed, or installed incorrectly, The "Export" menu item will have no sub menu and only the "Custom translator" can be used. |
User Parameters |
Some translators may require additional export information which is not contained in SaleSmartz. This information may be account codes or other data. To change the user parameters for a Translator plug-in file, open this file by double clicking on its disk file. SaleSmartz can then open the file and allow you to edit the parameters for this translator file. |
Custom translator |
About |
The custom translator is inbuilt into SaleSmartz. It allows you to export data to a text file in your own format. |
Process |
1) When you have a Price List, Contact List, Report, Quote or Invoice open,
Select "Export..." in the "File" menu. A dialogue will then
appear. |
Export Contact dialogue |
The Export Product, Report, Quote and Invoice dialogues appear and operate in a similar manner to this "Export Contact" dialogue, only the column names are different. 2) Choose the "Field delimiter" character by clicking in the box
to the right of the "Field delimiter" text to select it and typing
the character you wish to use. The delimiter is used to separate the exported
columns and is usually a comma or tab character. 3) The "Return replacement" character replaces any carriage return characters in an exported field. Without this, fields such as the Contact whole address would wrap around to another row and break the format of the exported file. 4) Click, the "Use headers" option if you wish to have the field name headers as the first line of the export. This can make it easier for another application to use the exported file. 5) If you wish to enclose each field with quote characters, click on the "Use quotes". This is only used if the application importing the new file requires it. 6) Click the small check boxes to the left of each column name to include that column in the export. A sample of the export text appearance will appear in the field at the top of the dialogue. The order you click the column check boxes "on" will define the order of the fields in the sample field. 7) Click on the "Export" button, name and save the new file. It will be saved in a "TEXT" file type which can be read by most word processor and spreadsheet applications. |
Finding |
General |
About |
There are times when you may wish to quickly find a Contact or Product. A "find" dialogue is provided to help you do this. |
Process |
1) Select "Find..." in the "Edit" menu to show the "Find" dialogue. |
Find dialogue |
2) Click on one of the document type buttons to the left of the window to choose the type of item to search for. 3) This dialogue will only search documents of the chosen type. You may choose to search only one document by choosing the documents name in the pop up menu at the top left of the window. 4) Select the search subject and comparison in the pop up menus below the "where..."
field. 5) Type in the search text in the editable field in the right of the window
and click "Find". Dial The dial button is enabled when you select contacts in the "Found items" list. Clicking on this button allows you to show the "Telephone" dialogue and quickly ring contacts (See chapter 5. "Basics" ). Show Selecting one or more of the lines in the found list field will allow you to "Show" these items by clicking on the "Show" button. This will close the dialogue and show the information windows for each of the selected lines. Export Clicking on the "Export" button will allow you to export the selected found lines to a text file (See chapter "Exporting Data"). Add Items can be added to a document by selecting lines in the found field and
clicking on the "Add" button. Done When you have completed your search, click on "Done" to close the dialogue. |
Report |
General |
About |
The report module can be used to gather and analyse detailed information about
Contacts. |
Window |
Report Builder window |
Search for This field contains a list of information you wish to see. ...find where The search criteria for the Report. Each line helps to define exactly what you are looking for. Icon The icon at the top right of the window acts as a drag handle, dragging this
icon will drag a reference to this report, e.g. to a To Do Memo. |
Creating |
Select "New document" from the "File" menu and then choose the "Report Builder" document type. |
Deleting |
A Report builder file can be deleted by removing its file from disk. |
Opening |
A Report builder can be opened by opening its file on disk or from the "Show report" menu in the "Windows" menu. |
Editing |
Once created or opened, a Report Builder can be edited. |
Search for |
When building a report you should choose the information you are seeking in the "Search for" field. The order of the lines in this field is not critical, this can be changed in the finished report. Columns can also be removed later. 1) Click on "New line" in the "Search for" field and a new line will appear in this field. 2) Choose a calculation type in the "Calculation type " popup menu
below this field. "Single" is the default and will allow all types
of information to be gathered. These other calculations will provide a result for a summary of all of the selected sub topics, e.g. "Total Quotes-Goods total" will return a total of all Goods Totals from all Quotes that match the search criteria for each Contact . 3) Select a line in the "Topic" field. This selection will then allow
sub topics to be selected. 4) Select a line from the "Sub topic" field to the right of the main
topics field. This will complete this line for the search. |
...find where |
The "find where" field contains the criteria to isolate the information
you are looking for. 5) Once the sub topic is chosen, the comparison type can be chosen in the popup menu to the right of the window. This will define how the collected information is compared to the value you enter. 6) Enter a comparison value in the area below this popup menu. The type of selected information will determine how the value will be entered, e.g. a date sub topic will show a date entry field for the value. Repeat these steps until you have all the report information entered, then save this Report Builder if you wish. |
Build |
Once you have created a Report Builder file, you can build a report by clicking
on the "Build" button. A Quick check is made to be sure all information
is entered correctly and then the report is started. Contact files are loaded if necessary and scanned for the information needed. A Report window will then appear and show the information that has been gathered
by this search. |
Report |
About |
A Report is generated from a Report Builder. It will contain the rows of information gathered by the Report Builder. The information in each Report is fixed at the time it is created. Changes to other files, even the Report Builder will not affect the information shown in the Report. |
Report Window |
Find items where... This field contains the search criteria used in the original Report Builder. Report Created These fields show the date and time when the Report was created. These fields are fixed and act as a reference only. Icon The icon at the top right of the window acts as a drag handle, dragging this icon drags a reference to the Report. Dial The dial button allows you to use the telephone dialogue to automatically dial the phone number(s) for the Contacts belonging to the selected rows. Columns Each column can show any of the "Search for" topics selected in the Report Builder. The order and content of the columns can be changed in the same manner as other lists (See section "Display columns", chapter "Basics"). Rows Each row of returned information is also a link to its source contact file. To show the original item, double click on a row in the list. The Contact file window will be opened and if the row represents a Quote/Invoice or Contact Memo, this object will be selected in the Contact history mode. Totals Totals are automatically calculated for each numerical column. As mentioned before the values in each row are taken at the time the Report is generated. Later changes to files will not change row values in the Report. |
Editing |
Rows can be removed from a report if required. Select the row you would like to remove and select "Clear line" in the "Edit" menu. |
Exporting |
A Report can be exported as a text file. The export format is defined by the
order and contents of each of the columns in the Report window. 1) Prepare the columns and order you wish to export. Add and remove columns if necessary (See section "Display Columns" in Chapter 5. "Basics"). 2) Select "Export..." from the "File" menu. 3) You will then be presented with a dialogue to define the export format. |
Export Report format dialogue |
Select the options you wish to use. The Export delimiter will be used between each column of information. This will usually be a comma or tab character. 4) Click on the "Export" button, name and place the new file and click "Save". The resulting file will be in a text format (See chapter "Exporting Data" for more information about text format files). |
MailMerging |
General |
About |
Contact files can be merged with word processor files to create documents such as faxes, letters or application forms. These documents will then contain information about the Contact that was used, i.e. name, address and phone number. Contact files can also be merged with Label Template files (See chapter "Label Template"). For merging Quotes and Invoices, see chapter "SZ Template". |
Preparing |
About |
Before a Contact can be merged, the merge file must be prepared and placed in the "Merge templates" folder in the SaleSmartz folder. Label template files can be created and placed in this folder to become accessible. Other document files used as templates for these merges can be created in most word processors which can save a document in the "RTF", Rich Text Format. Create the letter or fax etc. using your own fonts and styles, including tabs for layout positions. The easiest way to enter fields in a template is to copy them by selecting "Copy merge field names" in any of the SaleSmartz Contact menus, and then paste them into your word processor application . The finished result could look like this:
The resulting file after the Contact merge with "New Interiors Ltd." would then appear as this:
The resulting document can then be changed or re-formatted, as a new file is created from the merged information. Template Once you have designed your merge template file in your word processor, save
it as "RTF" format into the "Merge templates" folder inside
the SaleSmartz folder. Only the "RTF", "HTML" format and Label Templates can
be used to merge documents. When SaleSmartz is started, it searches for merge templates in the "Merge templates" folder and adds them to the "Merge..." menu item in the "File" menu. This folder is also monitored for changes, and the menu will be updated for changes in the "Merge templates" folder while the application is running. |
Merging |
Once you have saved one or more merge templates in the "Merge templates" folder, you can then merge Contacts using these steps: 1) Select one or more Contacts by:
3) Select the "Merge" menu item in the "File" menu and choose the file you wish to merge to. |
Merge menu |
4) Merged Label Templates will simply be opened with the merged information. |
Merge with dialogue |
If you click on the "Advanced" button you will be presented with several merge options. Pause after each batch of If you wish, you can print the documents in batches in case you have a problem with your printer. Print and close each file If this option is marked off, then each file will be opened and you will have to print each file yourself. 1st-3rd Choice These options allow you to choose the method of merging files. The three popup
menus contain a list of Plug-ins for mail merging. Make a reminder If you want to remind yourself to call the contacts who received this merged letter, then you can choose this option and create a reminder memo in the contact history for each contact. Set a property If you want to set a property for each of the merged contacts, then you can
choose this option. A newly created word processor file can also be automatically linked to the "Docs" section of the Contact for later reference, if the preference is set so. |
LabelTemplate |
General |
About |
A Label Template can be used to design and print labels on self adhesive label
sheets. A Label Template consists of two viewing modes, one to design the layout
of the label and page, and the other to show the list of text to be printed. |
Template |
You can also print standard labels that have fixed text (no Contact fields) e.g. Disk labels. |
Creating |
To create a new Label Template, select "New" from the "File" menu and then choose the "Label Template" document type. |
Opening |
A Label Template can be opened by either opening the file on disk or merging Contacts with a Label Template stored in the "Merge templates" folder (See chapter 21. "Mail merging"). Label Templates placed in the "Merge templates" folder will be visible in the "Merge with..." menu item in the "File" menu when a Contact is selected. |
Layout mode |
About |
Once opened, a Label Template can be edited. As mentioned earlier, a Label Template consists of two viewing modes. The Layout mode is used to define the printed appearance of each label. Each label can contain text or pictures, such as logos etc. |
Label Template window, layout mode |
Mode buttons The two buttons to the upper left of the window allow you to switch between the two modes. Labels across/Labels down After you have chosen a sheet of labels to use, you can set the dimensions of this sheet in the fields at the top of the template window. The number of labels used, across and down can be entered into the fields of the same names. Top margin/Left margin These fields will define the distance between the top left corner of a sheet
of labels and the top left corner of the first label. The actual measurement
may vary depending on the printer you are using. Label width/Label height These two fields define the dimension of each label. This dimension should actually be the distance from the left/top of a label to the left/top of the next label. This will account for any gaps between labels on the sheet. |
Editing |
The layout of each label is defined in the lower section of the layout mode.
The size of this area represents a single label, defined by the width and height
fields mentioned above. |
Labels mode |
About |
The labels mode of a Label template contains the text used as the content of
the printed labels. |
Reuse labels |
The grid at the top of the window is used to reuse label sheets. If you have
already printed a few labels on a sheet, you can print more labels on the same
sheet later by marking the labels which you have used. |
Label Template, labels mode |
As mentioned in the layout mode section, label field names are defined in the
layout. The template blocks which are defined as "Preset" text, will
appear here in the labels mode. Labels can be created by: 1) selecting "New label" in the "Edit" menu. A new empty label will be created and selected. You can click and edit label text fields to the right of each field heading. 2) dragging a Contact from another window, e.g. from the Contact List window, from the Contact file window or from a Hot Link in a To Do Memo. |
Deleting |
Labels can be deleted by selecting one or more labels and typing "delete" or by selecting "Clear label" in the "Edit" menu. |
Editing |
The content of each field within a label can be changed by clicking on the
field text area, to the right of the field name. Click once to highlight the
field, and then again to edit the text. Multiple lines of text can be entered
into each field, but be sure to allow for the height of these extra lines in
the template block in the layout mode. |
Printing |
About |
Once completed, a Label Template can be printed by selecting "Print..."
or "Print preview..." in the "File" menu. Selecting "Print
preview" will show a preview window so you can see how the printed result
will appear on paper. |
SZTemplate |
General |
About |
SZ Templates are files used for printing or sending EMails, Faxes, Quotes, Invoices, Letters and exporting data. They are very flexible but are also a little more advanced. For a less complex solution, you could use the Mail Merge features. (See chapter "Mail Merging"). In their simplest form, SZ templates are text files. Additonal fields can be added in the text of these files to insert text, such as a contact name or address. Using this process you can create an EMail template to respond to user requests or orders. |
Window |
SZ Template Window |
Insert field tag This Popup menu inserts the preset fields into your text. Click on this Popup and you can choose the category and type of field you want. Check Syntax This button checks the text in the SZ template to make sure it has no errors. |
Creating |
SZ templates are created by selecting "New..." from the "File" menu. Click on the SZ template icon and then click "OK". |
Opening |
SZ templates can be opened by choosing "Open..." from the "File" menu. They can also be opened from the "Merge with" window, if they have been placed inside the "Merge templates" folder. The Quote/Invoice "Print preview" window also offers an option to edit these templates. |
Editing |
Once the SZ template window has been opened, you can edit the text contained within. Preset fields can be added vie the "Insert field tag" popup menu. If the SZ template is being used for quotes or invoices, you don't need to same changes to the template in order to see the changes in the Print preview window. |
Using |
Mail/EMail/Fax merging |
SZ templates can be merged with Contacts, Quotes or Invoices. You can save SZ templates in the "Merge templates" folder inside your SaleSmartz folder. This will add them the "Merge with" menu and then you can choose the new template to merge with contacts. If you choose to merge to an EMail, choose "Merge with..." from the "File" menu when you have a contact selected or open. Then you can choose the EMail plug-in when you see the "Merge with..." window. Here you can also choose to leave the document open so that you can make any final changes before you send it. |
Quote/Invoice/Order templates |
SZ Templates will appear in the "Choose template" menu near the bottom of the "File" menu. This menu will appear when you have a quote or Invoice selected. You can then choose the SZ template and use "Print preview" as you would normally. You can save the quote as a file, or send as an email by choosing the option from the "Plug-in" menu in the "Print preview" window. |
Structure |
Attributes |
The text contained in the template uses special "tags" starting with "<sz". These tags can be in several forms. Each tag generaly contains the words "type" and "id". These define the behavoir of the tag.
Output formats |
The output format of a SZ template is very flexible. You can create text, html, rtf, xml and many other output files. SaleSmartz does not interpret the text around the tags, so this text can be in any format. Quotes can be saved as HTML, TEXT or other formats, using the "Print to file..." option in the "Plug-in" popup menu, in the "Print preview" window. This allows you to save any quote that uses a SZ template to a file. This also allows you to send the quote as an EMail. |
Quotes/Invoices |
Quotes and invoices are more complex than Contacts because of their structure. Quotes can have many sections and many quote entries within each section. Because of this, quote fields are accessed using loops. Properties relating to the quote iteself, such as description are accessed using the id="Quote.x" where x is the name of the property. Within each quote, there can be one or more sections, just as it appears in the contact window. These sections must be placed inside a "Quote.Section" loop. Within each section there can be many quote entries. These must be placed inside a "Quote.Section.Quote Entry" loop. e.g.
This sample will produce a list of sections with all of the quote entries inside them. Each quote entry will display the product code and description. i.e.
Examples |
Examples of templates are available for download. You can download a Quote EMail template or a Quote HTML template. If a file save dialog doesn't open, choose "Save target as" when you click on these files (right mouse click on a PC) to save these links as files. Note: You must save the resulting Quote merged HTML template with the .htm or .html suffix in order for it to be recognised by your computer. |
MultiUsers |
General |
About |
The multi user functionality of several SaleSmartz files allows a single source
document to be shared amongst all those who need it. This functionality is almost
transparent. If you use a file in single-user situation then you will not notice
a difference from any other normal file and do not need to read this chapter. |
Multi-users across a network |
Files that can be shared and have multiple user access are: Price List, Contact,
Contact Properties, To Do List, Print template, Catalogue and Message Centre. |
Technical |
About |
Changes made by one user will be reflected in the other users instance
of the multi-user file. If you are changing the same data at the same time as
them, you will be notified. |
Contact changed warning dialogue. |
You are given three options: Cancel This will stop the action and leave the current window open with your changes untouched. Save This will write over the changes that were made by anyone else while you were working on this window. This is not the best option, but may need to be used in some cases. All changes made by others from the time you first opened this window will be lost. Open This action will open a second window for this object, beside the current window
if possible. This is the best option. The latest changes for this Contact will
be shown in this new window. |
Synchronization |
General |
About |
When users are connected to a network they automatically receive updates and
make changes to files they open from a central server. If any changes are made to files while the user is away from the network, then
these changes will have to be transferred back to the main server at a later
stage. Note: If you take files from a server and you intend to synchronise them at a later date, it is recommended that you perform an initial synchronization after they are copied to your own computer. This prepares files and so they "remember" the current state of the server files and helps to resolve changes better later. |
Leaving the office/ Back in the office/ Update remotely with office |
These menu options are used to simplify disconnecting and reconnecting to a network of computers. Leaving the office This option copies any files that you may need from the file server to your own computer so you can view and change them while you are away from the network. Back in the office This option will update the server files with the files you have changed while you are away from the network. Changes are updated both ways. Update remotely This option can allow you to update files while you are away from the network. |
Advanced |
The advanced option allows you to manually synchronise files |
Direct synchronization |
The simplest form of file synchronization is "Direct synchronization". This allows a user to choose two files and synchronise them together automatically. |
"Direct " file synchronization |
The process of "Direct synchronization" is described here: 1) Open the local file you wish to synchronise, e.g. a contact file. This step can be skipped if you wish to choose the file after you open the "File synchronization" window. 2) Select "Synchronise" in the "File" menu. 3) The local file is already placed in the fields representing the local file in the "File synchronization" window. If you wish to choose another local file, click on the "Choose file" button beside the "Local file" label. 4) If the local file has been synchronised with a remote file before, then
this remote file will be shown in the fields in the right of the window. If
no remote file is shown or you wish to change it then click on the "Choose
file" button beside the "Remote file" button. Generally the remote
file will be the file on the file server. 5) Click on the "Synchronise" button. The process of synchronization will be started and you will see a description of each action as the file is synchronised. |
Unresolved actions |
In some cases, an object may be changed in both the remote and local files. For example if a quote was updated in the office, while a salesperson updated the same quote in the field. When this happens a dialogue will appear to explain the situation and allow you to make the appropriate correction. |
"Unresolved synchronization actions" dialogue. |
Auto synchronization |
Auto synchronization allows you to synchronise groups of several files with remote files. For example if a salesperson travelled out of the office often, then they could keep a folder on their own hard disk containing the server's files they use, ready for auto synchronization. When they return to the office, they can use auto synchronization to update both their own, and the server's files. "Auto" file synchronization The process of auto file synchronization is similar to direct file synchronization: 1) Each group of synchronised files is contained in a folder within the folder
"Synchronization". The "Synchronization" is placed inside
the main SaleSmartz folder. If this folder is not already there, a button called
"Create" will appear in the top of the window. Clicking on this button
will create the folder "Synchronization" and allow you to drag folders
with files into the folder. 2) Once a folder is selected in the Auto synchronization panel, you can select
the remote folder to synchronise files with. This remote folder would normally
be on a file server, and contain copies of all of the files you wish to synchronise. 3) Click on the "Synchronise" button and the process will be started. A record of actions will be shown, as in the "Direct synchronization" section. |
Modem synchronization |
You can use a modem to link two computers and synchronise via a phone line. |
Modem setup panel |
Once you have started the server, a user can connect remotely by entering the
number to the server in the phone number field, changing the other settings
to match those of the server and then clicking on the "Connect" button. |
TCP synchronization |
SaleSmartz allows users to synchronise files using TCP. This will generally
be using Internet, although other networks such as Localtalk and Ethernet can
be used. TCP synchronization requires that a machine running SaleSmartz acts as a remote server, generally in the office network. Clicking on the "Start server" button in the "Server" section of the advanced "File synchronization" window starts the TCP server. Both Direct and Auto synchronization have an option for TCP. To choose this option click on the "TCP" button in the right of the window. The TCP address fields will be shown. |
TCP address panel |
You can fill in either the text, or the dot address of the remote server. This is the process for TCP synchronization: Server 1) Connect the server computer (usually in the office) to the TCP network (e.g. for internet, you could use SLIP or PPP). 2) Open the "File synchronization" window, click on the server icon
to the left of the window. Click "Start server" to start the SaleSmartz
server. Remote user 3) The remote user also connects to the TCP network in the same way as the server. 4) Choose Direct or Auto synchronization in the same way as for a normal direct file synchronization. Click on the "TCP" button to show the TCP address fields. 5) Type in the server's text or dot address (contacting the user running the
server to get the address if necessary), and click "Synchronise". |
Palm Sync |
About |
Palm synchronization is an add-in module which provides synchronization between
SaleSmartz Contacts/Date Events, and a Palm Pilot database.
You will need to download and install the SaleSmartz Palm Conduit |
Installation |
Windows 1) Download and run the SaleSmartz Conduit Installer for Windows here: v5.0 or v4.3.
If you have any problems, make sure you have downloaded and installed the latest Palm Desktop software here Macintosh 1) Download the SaleSmartz Conduit for Macintosh: v5.0, v4.3 or v4.3 Classic
3) Use the Palm software "HotSync Manager" to set up the SaleSmartz Conduit |
Synchronization |
The SaleSmartz conduit synchronizes like the other standard conduits, except
you will need to have SaleSmartz running and in Sync server mode.
1) Start SaleSmartz, choose menu "File" - "Synchronization" - "Advanced"
Contacts |
The SaleSmartz Conduit will synchronize Contacts and their fields with the Palm database.
Each category on the Palm relates to a Contact group in SaleSmartz.
This section will be enhanced so that specific Contacts can be "tagged" inside a larger group so that you can specify the records to be synchronized with a custom variable. |
Date Events |
The SaleSmartz Conduit will synchronize Date Dependant To Dos with the Palm database.
iCal Sync |
About |
The iCal sync module in SaleSmartz will allow you to share your Calendar events with the OS X iCal application. You can either use the SaleSmartz iCal server to publish your Calendar, or use the export file format to save your SaleSmartz Calendar to a file for importing into iCal. |
iCal Server |
The SaleSmartz iCal server will allow you to publish the SaleSmartz Calendar for your iCal application.
iCal synchronization server window |
You may have to change the port number if your computer is already using the port for another process and you receive an error.
Click on the "Start server" button and you will see the status in the log field below. You will see any errors there. Once successfully started, the iCal URL field will be displayed. You can copy this URL and use it in your iCal application. Check with the documentation in iCal to see how you can subscribe to an iCal server. |
iCal export file |
You can export your Calendar to an iCal export file.
When viewing a To Do window, (Monthly, Daily, Single To Do etc.) you can select from the menu "File" - "Export To Do" - "iCal".
Check with yout iCal documentation to see how to import this file. |
Preferences |
General |
About |
The functionality in SaleSmartz can be customised to better suit your requirements
by using these preferences. |
General mode |
The general mode contains settings for the whole application. |
General mode |
Start-up The actions taken when SaleSmartz is launched are listed here.
Customer access level The customer access level is used when you wish to show a customer your Product Catalogue in SaleSmartz. Information viewing is restricted in this level. The options here can determine which additional features are disabled.
Metric measurements Check this option if you wish to use metric units (millimetres etc.), otherwise inches will be used. This preference is used in the Label Template window. Date slider (months) Throughout SaleSmartz, dates can be changed with a slider as seen below. The maximum range of this slider can be set by changing this field. |
Date slider |
Show utilities bar This option shows the tool bar with shortcut buttons. |
Layout mode |
The layout mode contains layout settings for the whole application. |
Layout mode |
List font, List font size The default font and size used for most lists is defined in this popup and field. Layout color This is the color that gets used for most windows. Address card color This is the color that is used to display contact address cards. Label colors You can specify category names and colors for contacts and eMails here. |
Myself |
The information describing the user of the Application is stored here. |
Myself mode |
This information is used in Quotes and Invoices when printing and is selected
from a Print Template (See chapter "Print Template"). My Code The code field can contain a reference for the customer, such as tax or salesperson number. Sales Commission The sales commission figure defines the revenue you gain as a salesperson. This figure is used in the "Profit mode" of Quotes and Invoices to indicate the revenue on these items. A figure of "0" will mean that this value is ignored. |
Contact |
The Contact mode shows the settings for Contacts and mail merging. |
Contact mode |
Show history beside address This option will display the contact history for a contact beside the address details in the address mode, so that you dont have to click on the "History" mode icon in the left of the window to view contact history. Show Custom variables in address mode This option will display contact properties for a contact in the first (address) mode of a contact window, so that you dont have to click on the "Profile" mode icon in the left of the window to view properties. Post code after town/state as default The post code in a Contact's address can be placed either before or after the town/state. This is useful for international Contacts. The position of the post code for new and imported Contacts can be set here. Once a Contact is opened, an individual preference can be set in the "Contact file" menu. The post code field is not required for a Contact's address. Job title must be in list of choices This option relates to the job title field of a contact window. With this option "on", the text must be in the list, or be added to the list. New Contact duplicate check on... These options will check all new contacts to see if any of these fields match existing contacts. This avoids duplicattion in your database. Link merged files to Contact After the new merged file has been saved it can be automatically linked to the "Docs" section of the Contact, by checking this button. Full contact memo details This option displays more options when viewing a contact memo, such as memo type, incoming, outgoing etc. Show contact memo created date This option will display a date field for a contact memo to show the date the memo was created. New contact memos marked as done This option will set the "Done" button for new contact memos so that they are either reminders or history records, by default. Postcode lookup This option is available if you have postcode Plug-in software for doing searches on postcodes ad filling in the address fields accordingly. Auto fill Cust No This option will create a new customer number for all new contacts. Verify contact list with server Unchecking this option will stop checking the server for contact group file changes. You can use this if you have a very slow network connection |
The eMail mode shows the settings for eMails and the Mail Centre. |
eMail mode |
When sending eMail, transfer via plug-in... This sets the option when to send your eMails to your eMail application. You can queue your mails by choosing On "Mail centre" Send & receive.This will store mails in your Mail Centre "Outbox" until you synchronise with your mail application. Send and Receive automatically This option will automatically synchronise your eMails with your external eMail application when you are not using your computer. This ensures your Mail Centre is up to date.
Show HTML content in eMails if available. This option will show formatted HTML text in any eMails if they have any, and your computer supports this display. Link eMails to contacts. This option will link all incoming and outgoing eMails to any contact that matches the to or from eMail address. This helps to keep track of contact eMails by showing them in the contact history. Remove read/sent eMails if stored in contact too This option will remove any eMails that you have read, which have been linked to a contact. This clears out your inbox of read mails as the mails can always be found in the contact hsitory. Delete attached files with eMails This option will delete attachments from the "eMail attachments" folder when you delete the associated eMail, removing unlinked files. Empty deleted eMails when quitting This option will delete any eMails in the "Trash" folder of the Mail Centre, when the Mail Centre window is closed. Check eMail address validity Override the validity check for eMail addresses. Put signature before text when replying Determines if the signature for an eMail account will go before or after the reply message. eMail colours These colour panels allow you to choose the colours of different eMail types. Prefix reply with This field can contain text to place before each line of the original text when you reply to a mail. This allows you to see the differemce in the text content. EMail folders Here you can change the name of the eMail folders in the Mail Centre. You can also add new custom name folders.
EMail accounts |
The eMail accounts mode shows the accounts used for sending and receiving eMail. |
eMail accounts mode |
EMail accounts This field contains a list of all eMail accounts.
These will appear in a popup menu for new eMails so you can set the "From" address of
your mails. Click on an account to edit it, or use the editing buttons in the
top right of this list to add and remove accounts.
Name This can store your name or description of the address. This stores the "From" eMail address. Signature This stores any signature text wich you want to place at the bottom of your eMails. This can be your company text or website etc. Private account Makes sure sent and received eMails are stored in your own private folder in the Mail Center. Other users can't access this folder. Mail application Inbox is sorted by date (quicker) Use this option if your external mail application has it's inbox sorted by date. If it isn't sorted by date, some messages won't be imported if you use this option. If you have this problem, don't use this option. Plugin connects on "Send & Receive" Some external plugins may support this option to connect to the mail server when synchronizing. |
Incoming mail |
These settings are for receiving the eMail for the selected account. Default If this is not the default account (first in the list, in bold) then you can check the "Default" option to use the default account plugin options. EMail plug-in Select the plugin to use for the incoming eMail for this account, if you don't use the default.
For the SaleSmartz plugins:
Outgoing mail |
These settings are for sending eMail for the selected account. Default If this is not the default account (first in the list, in bold) then you can check the "Default" option to use the default account plugin options. EMail plug-in Select the plugin to use for sending eMail for this account, if you don't use the default.
For the SaleSmartz SMTP plugin:
EMail rules |
The eMail rules mode shows the rules used to perform actions on eMails. |
eMail rules mode |
EMail rules This field contains a list of all eMail rules. Add new rules with the add button in the top right of this field. Move up/down The two arrows to the right of the rule list will change the order of the rules by moving the selected rule up or down in the list. Name Enter your own name for the selected rule Match on any criteria This option will make all the criteria "OR" related so any matches will cause the actions to be performed. Match on all criteria This option will make all the criteria "AND" related so all criteria must match to cause the actions to be performed. Incomimg mail Check this option to apply the selected rule to all incoming mail. Outgoing mail Check this option to apply the selected rule to all mail sent. Manual Check this option to run the selected rule when the manual rul option is slected from the "Mail Center" menu. Filter criteria A list of criteria that filters eMails. Use the add and delete buttons in the top right to edit the list. Use the popup menus to select different criteria. Process other rules after this one matches This option will allow other rules to process an eMail after the eMail matches this rule. Actions A list of action to perform on matching eMails. Use the add and delete buttons in the top right to edit the list. Use the popup menus to select different actions. |
Phone/Fax |
The Phone/Fax mode shows the settings for automatic phone dialling and caller display (incoming call recognition). |
Phone mode |
Note: The speaker dialling method may not be available on Windows systems. Outside line/International ("+" code) These fields can be used if you require extra prefix codes for phone numbers. When you put a "+" in front of a phone number, the international code will be used as a dialling prefix for the phone number. Dialling method You can choose to dial using a modem, if you have one connected, or using the
speaker in your computer. If you use the speaker method then you should hold
the microphone of your phone to the speaker when dialling, you may need to adjust
the volume of the speaker using the popup menu to get better results. If you choose the modem dialling method then you can choose the modems port in the "Serial port" popup, and initialisation string. The "Dial suffix" field is used if you wish to add a modem command to the end of the dial command string. Caller display If you have an appropriate caller device connected to your computer, SaleSmartz
can be configured to display an incoming callers Contact file window as
the phone rings. Log incomng calls in contact history This option is for caller display and will record all incoming call events in the appropriate contact history. Fax plugin You can select the plugin for your fax software if it is installed. This is used for mail merging and quote/invoice template printing. |
Quote |
The Quote mode shows the settings for Quotes and template printing. |
Quote mode |
Quote numbering This option automatically creates quote numbers for new quotes. You can set the prefix and starting point with the fields beside this option. Entry source document names This shows the source file (Price List or Catalogue) file name for each quote entry object. Show quote entry specifications This option will automatically show specifications for all new quote entries installed into quotes. Show price types If you have more than one price type, then this setting will show each quote entrys price type in the contents mode of Quotes. Section names match product groups This option will create a new section to match the name of the product group that new products may have. Prices shown include Sales tax This option will show the quote entry prices in the quote, inclusive of sales tax. Printed date format When a date field is printed from a Quote or Invoice, its format can be set here. Date fields can be items such as today's date, due date or validity date. Smallest rounding unit. If you do not wish to show small currency units in quotes, you can set the rounding value in this field. This field will contain the minimum unit for rounding up or down. Default reminder days You can specifiy the default reminder days for new quotes here. Default Quote template New Quotes can have a Print template installed as they are created. A template is chosen with the button "Choose template" below the template field. |
Invoice |
The Invoice mode shows the settings for Invoices and Orders |
Invoice mode |
Invoice numbering Automatic invoice numbering can be used to reference new invoices as they are
created. Check this option on if you wish to use this feature. Wait until I am ready to print the invoice This option will set the invoice number when you print the invoice for the first time instead of when you convert a quote to an invoice. Remove quotes after converting to Invoices Quotes can be converted to Invoices. The original Quote can be automatically removed once converted, by checking this button. Adjust product stock automatically If you use the product stock option in price lists, this option will adjust stock levels to account for products used in invoices/orders. Whole order process If you use more than the invoice document, then you can click this option on so you can print and record other order-related documents. Templates Each step of the order process can have a preset template which will be installed when an order/invoice is created. Each template is chosen with the button "Choose template" below the template fields. Preset payment due Here you can choose to set the payment due date for new invoices. Choose either the number of days after the invoice was created, or the day of the next month if your payement terms are set this way. |
Catalogue |
The Catalogue mode shows settings for Catalogues and an option for Quotes. |
Catalogue mode |
Entry source document names Catalogue entries will show the file name of its source document (Price List) in its information field. Include Sales tax in prices If you check this option, prices shown in a catalogue will include sales tax. Large format catalogue entries Catalogues entries can have two different sizes. This check box sets the size to large. Object width/height These fields allow you to define the size of large catalogue entries. The units are pixels (screen dots). Default Catalogue/Price List This field contains the name of the application's default Catalogue or Price List file if installed. This file is opened when you select "Open Catalogue/Price List" in the "Windows" menu and also when you use the "Add" popup menu in a quote. Click on the button "Choose file" to select a new file. Auto open source documents Catalogues and Quotes have source documents which store prices and other information for Products and Bundles. These source files can be automatically opened when a Quote or Catalogue file is opened. To Do this, click on this check box. The Source file will then be opened, but hidden (Visible only in the "Windows" menu). |
Price List |
The price list mode defines price types and Sales tax. |
Price List mode |
Price types Price types can be used to define different pricing levels e.g. retail and wholesale. New types can be added by clicking in the price types field and selecting "New price type" in the "Edit" menu. These price types appear in price list and product information windows. Sales tax A list of all sales taxes is included in this field. These sales taxes can
be added by clicking in the Sales tax field and selecting "New sales tax"
in the "Edit" menu. Currency You can set up the currencies you may use, in this list. These can be attached to your cost or sell prices if your products use different currencies from your default. |
To Do |
The To Do mode sets the preferences for To Do related windows. |
To Do mode |
To Do List file name The application's To Do List file name is recorded here. Message Centre file name If you have installed a Message Centre, its name is listed here. A new Message Centre can be chosen by clicking on the "Choose Centre" button (See chapter "Time Manager (Calendar)"). Week start day In the To Do Month window, days of the week are shown. The starting day of each week can be chosen here. Month memo times Choosing this option will display the time for each To Do Memo listed in the To Do Month window. Day Times The To Do day window has time guidelines in hours. These guidelines can be set here. Day start time The To Do Day window starting hour guideline. Day finish time The end of the guideline hours. Day interval (minutes) The interval (in minutes) between each guideline hour in the To Do Day window. Default memo time A To Do memo created by dragging an object into the To Do Month window will have a due date set as the destination day of the month. The default time of that day can be set here. If you turn off the "Time related" button, new memos will have no due time, just the day. Default memo type As mentioned above, a memo can be created by dragging objects such as Contacts/Quotes on to one of the To Do windows. These created memos will then have the default type set here. Default duration (minutes) You can set the default duration time for all new To Do Memos in this field. Memo colours The base colour of the To Do Memo windows can be set here. The Auto Text colour will be used when an Auto To Do memo appears in a list. Click on a colour block to open the colour editing dialogue. Remote To Do List Colours When you open a Message Centre or another user's To Do List file, their To Do Memos will appear in different colours. This is to avoid confusion as to where these memos come from. |
Notify |
The notify mode sets the default actions for To Do Memos that become due. This relates only to the memos that have a due date, i.e. "Date related". |
Notify mode |
Flashing alert icons Memos in the To Do List that are overdue will show an alert icon beside the description field in the list window. They will also show the icon in the To Do Memo window. If this check box is checked, these icons will flash to draw your attention to them. Advance warning time A time can be set to warn in advance that a To Do reminder will be due. A reminding action, the same as the notification action above will be done. To Do warning sound A sound can be played when a To Do Memo is due. The sound (or a no sound option) can be chosen in this popup menu. Notification action The action taken to show the warning when the memo is due can be set here.
Warn when in another application When a To Do reminder is due and you have the application running in the background
(i.e. while you are using another application), a warning can be sent to you
to show the reminder is due.
Finance |
The finance preferences mode allows the editing of finance rates used for Quote
and Invoice finance examples. Finance is selected in the Costs mode of a Quote. |
Finance mode |
There are two fields in the finance mode. The top for the list of rental finance rates, and the lower for the purchase finance rates. Adding rates To add a finance rate and term, click in the field you wish to use and select "New rate" in the "Edit" menu. A new default rate will appear. Type the term (in months) in the field below the list to the left and its associated percentage rate in the field to the right. Deleting rates To remove a rate from either of the rate list fields, select the line you wish to delete and select "Clear rate" in the "Edit" menu or press the "Delete" key. Editing rates Rates can later be edited by selecting a line and typing values into the two editing fields below the list. |
Folders |
The folders mode provides settings for automatic saving of contacts and other files. |
Folders mode |
PC compatible file names (Macintosh only) This option will add the 3 letter suffix to file names when you save files for a macintosh. This suffix is needed for PCs to access the files. If you are using a mixed network of Mac and PC then you should select this option. Save new contacts as These options allow you to choose the method of saving new Contacts.
Default contact group file This sets the default group where new contacts will be saved. Save when closing contact windows, without asking me This option saves new Contacts when you close the Contact window, without asking to save. Default merge file folder This folder can be set to contain all new merge templates so you dont have to find the folder each time you save a merge file. Save merged files here without asking me This option can be used to automatically save all merged files without a "Save file" dialogue. Default merge document application (Macintosh only) Word processor merge templates should be saved as "RTF format and stored in the "Merge templates" folder inside the applications folder. If these merge templates have no application type then a default application can be set in these preferences. This application will be launched with the new merged file after it has been saved (See chapter "Mail Merging"). |
Palm |
The palm mode provides settings for synchronizing with Palm devices. |
Palm mode |
Synchronize with date events Check this option if you want to synchronize with date/calendar events Synchronize with auto to dos too This option includes the automatic (blue) to dos in the syncrhonization Synchronize with contacts Check this option if you want to synchronize with contact/addresses Confirm before deleting contacts This option will prompt you before a synchronization will delete any contacts in the SaleSmartz database. |
Admin (Administrator only) |
The admin mode provides settings for multi user privileges. |
Admin mode |
There are three modes for editing privileges:
Log changes to file This option will log changes to a log file for future reference. View log This button will open a window with a list of saved logs. |
Users (Administrator only) |
The users mode provides settings for user licences and passwords. |
Users mode |
Total users This field contains the total number of users you that your licence covers. Enter new code If you have added more users, you can enter the new code supplied by EuroSmartz by clicking on this button. User list This list shows all users and their status. The name of the users is set by each user in their own "Myself" preference. Password required by all users This option will require all users to set and enter a password at startup. Clear user slot This button will clear the user associated with the serial number so you can change the licence to another computer. Change password Clicking this button will allow you to set/change a password for a user. Change roaming This action will allow a user to log in from another computer and retain their preferences and To Do list. |
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